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Ag Center's News Service

The Ag Center News Service provides subscribers e-mail notification of updated information on the Ag Center Web site regarding ag-related news from EPA. Our free News Service allows subscribers to keep up-to-date on recent news releases, reports, and other documents of direct importance to environmental stewardship and compliance efforts within the agricultural community.

News Service e-mails are generated approximately once a week and provide information on a variety of topics, including:

  • Proposed/final rules on various agricultural issues
  • Pesticides
  • Ground/surface water
  • Animal waste management
  • Best management practices
  • Emergency planning
  • Sustainability
  • Air issues
  • Solid/hazardous waste
  • Upcoming compliance dates

Subscribe to the Ag Center News listserve (locate National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center near the top of the list, then click on "subscribe")

If you encounter difficulties subscribing to this listserve or have questions or suggestions, please send an e-mail to the Ag Center at: agcenter@epa.gov.

For your convenience, you may unsubscribe at any time by sending a blank e-mail to: unsubscribe-agcenter@listst.epa.gov.


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