Bureau of Land Management
Volunteer Feature

Natural Artists

KidsArt Program Brings Natural Resources To Life...
Volunteers Make it Happen

Students in the Eugene, Oregon, area become exhibiting artists through a unique program started by the BLM's Eugene District Office. BLM coordinates volunteer artists who go into the local schools and teach basic painting and design techniques to the students. In addition, BLM staff members also introduce students to natural resource issues such as forest ecology and wetland management. The students then are assigned a project–paint a scene that depicts natural resources.

Artist Lee Lauritzen had a 30-year career with the BLM as a forester until he retired three years ago. Now he volunteers his time to guide the students in this special art program, revealing to them his well honed skills in depicting nature scenes. As word has spread, other local artists have joined the teaching staff. Volunteers also include natural resources professionals from other organizations. For example, Paul Jeske of American Rivers recently spoke to the students about incorporating river themes in their art. BLM pays the cost of art supplies. Many rural schools do not have this in their budget.

Students who participate in the program agree to exhibit their paintings at the BLM District Office. Their paintings can be seen in conference rooms, hallways and reception areas throughout the building. In this way, the students themselves become "volunteers" for the agency, providing a constant rotating display of colorful artwork for BLM while learning about art, painting and design as well as natural resource management issues.

"This program not only teaches children in our community about natural resource management," says BLM's Doug Huntington, who created the program nine years ago, "but it also gives us a glimpse into how children think about natural resources--how they feel about their natural environment." And it is evident from the paintings themselves that the students have a keen awareness of and appreciation for what's around them. Eugene is located in Western Oregon, in the heart of some of the last ancient old growth forests.

For more information on Oregon BLM's volunteer program, click here.

Contact Doug Huntington at Doug_Huntington@blm.gov

To view other BLM Volunteer Features, click here

Last Updated: January 16, 2001

For questions about our programs contact Elizabeth Rieben
This site is maintained by Kevin Flynn

Bureau of Land Management
Environmental Education and Volunteer Programs