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Volunteer Feature

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Bridge Named to Honor Volunteer

The soon to be constructed Gray's Well Bridge planned for the Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area located east of San Diego, California, will be named to honor Herman Schneider, the BLM volunteer who is credited with being the driving force behind the construction project. The new bridge will provide off-highway vehicle (OHV) access across the All-American Canal, connecting Buttercup Valley and Grays Well area with Gordons Well and Dune Buggy Flats.

Photo of Herman Schneider

At a special ceremony held in July to recognize volunteer Herman Schneider, BLM California State Director Ed Hasty said in a proclamation, “Herman, we honor you because of your energy, commitment, and dedication to the off-highway vehicle program in California. The BLM is indebted and proud or all the accomplishments you have made at the Imperial Sand Dunes.” Herman was presented a plaque and proclamation recognizing his significant contribution to OHV recreation in California.

Herman is a resident of San Diego and an off-highway vehicle enthusiast. He has provided hundreds of hours of volunteer service at the BLM’s Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area. The "dunes" is the premiere OHV riding area in California. OHV enthusiasts from all over California, Nevada and Arizona travel to the 118,000-acre "open area" to ride all-terrain vehicles, dune buggies, quads and motorcycles, especially during the cool winter months.

The Imperial Sand Dunes, sometimes called the Algodones Dunes, are the largest mass of sand dunes in California. The dunes system extends for more than 40 miles along the eastern edge of the Imperial Valley and rise to heights of over 300 feet above the surrounding desert floor. This OHV area offers some of the most challenging terrain for OHV enthusiasts in California.

Herman has spent a decade volunteering his time for the BLM’s El Centro Field Office at the dunes. He has unselfishly contributed thousands of hours of dedicated volunteer service to help promote responsible off-highway vehicle recreation. He has provided leadership, technical knowledge, personal time and, most importantly, his "unlimited energy" to solve many of the most compelling environmental, safety and recreation concerns at the dunes.

Herman and his cadre of volunteers have made the dunes a safer and more enjoyable riding area for the thousands of OHV enthusiasts who visit annually. His work with the El Centro Field Office exemplifies what one dedicated individual can accomplish in contributing to the enjoyment and enrichment of the public lands in California.

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Last Updated: February 6, 2001

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This site is maintained by Kevin Flynn

Bureau of Land Management
Environmental Education and Volunteer Programs