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OSHA Hexavalent Chrome Deadline for Engineering Controls is May 31, 2010. More ...

Metal Finishing Shops must Submit Plating and Polishing NESHAP Notification of Compliance Status by July 1, 2010. More ...

Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC). Regulated facilities must develop and implement SPCC Plans by Nov. 10, 2011 that establish procedures and equipment requirements to help prevent oil discharges from reaching navigable waters.

EPA Proposes Amendments to Chromium NESHAP - Proposed changes would lower allowable surface tension levels and emissions. On Feb., 8, 2012 EPA proposed to lower the surface tension levels from 35 dynes to 33 when measuring with a tensiometer and from 45 dynes to 40 when measuring with a stalagmometer. See Federal Register notice.

Metal Finishers may see new Superfund financial assurance requirements. EPA is developing financial assurance requirements to help ensure that owners and operators of facilities foot the bill for environmental cleanup.

EPA Directive Exempts Popular Cleaning Agent from VOC Status (Jan. 2009). Dimethyl carbonate has solubility and other properties that might make it a replacement for trichloroethylene in solvent cleaning operations.

OSHA has issued an Instruction to provide guidelines and establish uniform inspection and compliance procedures for the Chromium PEL. This new directive sets forth OSHA’s policy and guidance for enforcing the hexavalent chromium workplace exposure standard. More ...

Future of Metal Finishing Report
The NMFRC has published a report entitled Future of Metal Finishing. The technology section is based on the results of a survey of experts from job and captive shops and suppliers/consultants. If you have a stake in the surface finishing industry, this report was written for you.

TSD Facility Directory Launched! Search for and locate hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities using this new tool. Go to the TSD Locator

bulletMeet the Experts

George Cushnie
Randy Taylor
Mike McGinness
Joelie Zak
George Cushnie

Hard Chrome Plating Training Course. This on-line course complements the NMFRC's Hard Chrome Training manual.

On-line Inspection Survival Course for Metal Finishers.
NMFRC is now offering an on-line course delivered entirely over the Internet designed to help your shop survive an EPA or state agency inspection. It contains a wealth of information, including real-life examples from metal finishers who have recently survived their own inspections.

For more news visit the NMFRC News Room

09/24/12 Plating Process Engineer Position in Providence, Rhode Island Area [more]

09/24/12 World's Top Environmental Success Stories [more]


BulletVendor Directory

NMFRC has launched a NEW Pollution Prevention & Control Equipment and Consultants directory.
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Metals Prices
Updated to include recent base and precious metals spot prices and futures prices for metals traded on the Nymex.


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