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National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

NHANES Genetics

National Health Care Surveys

National Health Interview Survey

National Survey of Family Growth

State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey

National Center for Health Statistics Data Linkage Activities


The authors of the following publications accessed restricted data through the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Research Data Center. These publications are listed by NCHS survey. For more information on NCHS surveys and restricted variables accessible through the Research Data Center, see our Restricted NCHS Variables page.


National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey


Dao CN, Patel P, Overton ET, et al. Low vitamin D among HIV-infected adults: prevalence of and risk factors for low vitamin D Levels in a cohort of HIV-infected adults and comparison to prevalence among adults in the US general population. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2011;52(3):396-405.

Bouchard MF, Bellinger DC, Wright RO, et al. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and urinary metabolites of organophosphate pesticides. Pediatrics 2010;125(6):e1270-7.

Fletcher JM, Frisvold D, Tefft N. Taxing soft drinks and restricting access to vending machines to curb child obesity. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2010;29(5):1059-66.

Bird CE, Seeman T, Escarce JJ, et al. Neighbourhood socioeconomic status and biological 'wear and tear' in a nationally representative sample of US adults. Journal of epidemiology and community health 2010;64(10):860-5.

Do DP, Dubowitz T, Bird CE, et al. Neighborhood context and ethnicity differences in body mass index: a multilevel analysis using the NHANES III survey (1988-1994). Economics and human biology 2007;5(2):179-203.

Koopman RJ, Mainous AG, 3rd, Geesey ME. Rural residence and Hispanic ethnicity: doubly disadvantaged for diabetes? The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association 2006;22(1):63-8.

Mainous AG, 3rd, King DE, Garr DR, et al. Race, rural residence, and control of diabetes and hypertension. Annals of family medicine 2004;2(6):563-8.

Vargas CM, Dye BA, Hayes KL. Oral health status of rural adults in the United States. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939) 2002;133(12):1672-81.


NHANES Genetics


Chang MH, Yesupriya A, Ned RM, et al. Genetic variants associated with fasting blood lipids in the U.S. population: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. BMC medical genetics 2010;11:62.

Scinicariello F, Yesupriya A, Chang MH, et al. Modification by ALAD of the association between blood lead and blood pressure in the U.S. population: results from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Environmental health perspectives 2010;118(2):259-64.

Fan AZ, Yesupriya A, Chang MH, et al. Gene polymorphisms in association with emerging cardiovascular risk markers in adult women. BMC medical genetics 2010;11:6.

Keebler ME, Sanders CL, Surti A, et al. Association of blood lipids with common DNA sequence variants at 19 genetic loci in the multiethnic United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III. Circulation Cardiovascular genetics 2009;2(3):238-43.

Hung AM, Crawford DC, Griffin MR, et al. CRP polymorphisms and progression of chronic kidney disease in African Americans. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology: CJASN 2010;5(1):24-33.

Chu AY, Parekh RS, Astor BC, et al. Association of APOE polymorphism with chronic kidney disease in a nationally representative sample: a Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) Genetic Study. BMC medical genetics 2009;10:108.

Koontz DA, Huckins JJ, Spencer A, et al. Rapid detection of the CYP2A6*12 hybrid allele by Pyrosequencing technology. BMC medical genetics 2009;10:80.

Krieg EF, Jr., Butler MA, Chang MH, et al. Lead and cognitive function in ALAD genotypes in the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Neurotoxicology and teratology 2009;31(6):364-71.

Chang MH, Lindegren ML, Butler MA, et al. Prevalence in the United States of selected candidate gene variants: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1991-1994. American journal of epidemiology 2009;169(1):54-66.

Yang QH, Botto LD, Gallagher M, et al. Prevalence and effects of gene-gene and gene-nutrient interactions on serum folate and serum total homocysteine concentrations in the United States: findings from the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey DNA Bank. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2008;88(1):232-46.

Crawford DC, Sanders CL, Qin X, et al. Genetic variation is associated with C-reactive protein levels in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Circulation 2006;114(23):2458-65.

Crawford DC, Yi Q, Smith JD, et al. Allelic spectrum of the natural variation in CRP. Human genetics 2006;119(5):496-504.




Wiener JM, Squillace MR, Anderson WL, et al. Why do they stay? Job tenure among certified nursing assistants in nursing homes. The Gerontologist 2009;49(2):198-210.

Donoghue C, Castle NG. Leadership styles of nursing home administrators and their association with staff turnover. The Gerontologist 2009;49(2):166-74.

Friedberg MW, Mehrotra A, Linder JA. Reporting hospitals' antibiotic timing in pneumonia: adverse consequences for patients? The American journal of managed care 2009;15(2):137-44.

Smith LM, Lapane KL, Fennell ML, et al. Home health agency profit orientation and risk for hospitalization: a propensity score analysis of population weighted data. Home health care services quarterly 2008;27(3):240-57.

Donoghue C, Castle NG. Organizational and environmental effects on voluntary and involuntary turnover. Health care management review 2007;32(4):360-9.

Fang MC, McCarthy EP, Singer DE. Are patients more likely to see physicians of the same sex? Recent national trends in primary care medicine. The American journal of medicine 2004;117(8):575-81.

Pearson WS, Hueston WJ. Treatment of HIV/AIDS in the nursing home: variations in rural and urban long-term care settings. Southern medical journal 2004;97(4):338-41.


National Health Interview Survey


Long SK, Stockley K. The impacts of state health reform initiatives on adults in New York and Massachusetts. Health services research 2011;46(1 Pt 2):365-87.

Oza-Frank R, Narayan KM. Overweight and diabetes prevalence among US immigrants. American journal of public health 2010;100(4):661-8.

Coughlin TA, Long SK, Graves JA. Does managed care improve access to care for Medicaid beneficiaries with disabilities? A national study. Inquiry : a journal of medical care organization, provision and financing 2008;45(4):395-407.

Parker JD, Woodruff TJ, Akinbami LJ, et al. Linkage of the US National Health Interview Survey to air monitoring data: an evaluation of different strategies. Environmental research 2008;106(3):384-92.

Vargas CM, Dye BA, Hayes KL. Oral health status of rural adults in the United States. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939) 2002;133(12):1672-81.

Legler J, Breen N, Meissner H, et al. Predicting patterns of mammography use: a geographic perspective on national needs for intervention research. Health services research 2002;37(4):929-47.


National Survey of Family Growth


Bitler M, Schmidt L. Health disparities and infertility: impacts of state-level insurance mandates. Fertility and sterility 2006;85(4):858-65.


State and Local Area Integrated Telephone Survey (NSCH, CSHCN, NSAP, NSAP-SN)


Liu J, Probst JC, Martin AB, et al. Disparities in dental insurance coverage and dental care among US children: the National Survey of Children's Health. Pediatrics 2007;119 Suppl 1:S12-21.


National Center for Health Statistics Data Linkage Activities (NHANES or NHIS linked with Mortality, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security or Air Quality Data)


Reis JP, Macera CA, Araneta MR, et al. Comparison of overall obesity and body fat distribution in predicting risk of mortality. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md) 2009;17(6):1232-9.

Ruhl CE, Everhart JE. Elevated serum alanine aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase and mortality in the United States population. Gastroenterology 2009;136(2):477-85 e11.

Breslow RA, Graubard BI. Prospective study of alcohol consumption in the United States: quantity, frequency, and cause-specific mortality. Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research 2008;32(3):513-21.

Enstrom JE, Breslow L. Lifestyle and reduced mortality among active California Mormons, 1980-2004. Preventive medicine 2008;46(2):133-6.


The findings and conclusions in any of the papers listed above are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the Research Data Center, the National Center for Health Statistics, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


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