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International Programs

Frequent Questions

Where can I find information about EPA's International Work?

EPA provides a wealth of information to our international web visitors and those interested in EPA's international work. You can find information about our work in air, water, toxics, trade, enforcement/compliance, partnership with international organizations, and region-specific information on our International Programs page.

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Where can I find other countries' environmental laws on-line?

No single site on the Web provides access to all of the world's environmental laws and regulations. ECOLEX Exit EPA disclaimer, an information service on environmental law, can be a good starting point for any search in this area, though. The United Nations Environment Programme, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization jointly operate ECOLEX.

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How can I schedule a visit of foreign officials to learn about the Environmental Protection Agency?

EPA's International Visitors Program arranges appointments at EPA for international visitors. The Program is operated within the Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) and currently hosts between 1,000 to 2,000 visitors annually (2-3 groups per day). To learn more and schedule your visit, see our International Visitors page.

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How can I find out about grants offered by the Office of International and Tribal Affairs?

EPA’s Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) offers project grants under several authorizations. Our mission is to protect human health and the environment while advancing U.S. national interests through international environmental collaboration. This mission is supported by four strategic objectives: (1) Reduce Transboundary Pollution; (2) Advance U.S. Interests Abroad; (3) Promote Good Environmental Governance; and (4) Ensure Effective Management. To learn more, visit our Grants page.

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Where can I find organizational information about EPA's Office of International and Tribal Affairs?

The Office of International and Tribal Affairs (OITA) is comprised of a multi-disciplinary staff who respect and reflect the diversity of the global community. Our staff are leaders and partners in innovative solutions to global environmental concerns. Our multi-cultural and multi-lingual team works in partnership to leverage the skills and talents of the broader EPA community, to yield measurable environmental benefits.

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How can I find out about job openings in the Office of International and Tribal Affairs?

Job openings in EPA's Office of International and Tribal Affairs are posted on USAJobs, the U.S. Government's Employment Portal.  Interested applicants can search vacancy announcements by agency, occupation and level, as well as geographic area.  The specific vacancy announcement will provide information about the job and qualifications, and will provide a link for applicants to submit their application on-line.

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How can I contact EPA's Office of International and Tribal Affairs?

If you are seeking information that cannot be found on EPA's International Programs pages, you may contact us by email or call our main phone number at 202-564-6600. We make every attempt to respond to comments and questions within 5 business days of receipt. To report errors on the International Programs website, please email us.

Learn more about the American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO).

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Where can I find information about importing a vehicle or engine into the United States?

View information on importing vehicles or engines into the United States.

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Where can I locate and order EPA publications?

Many EPA publications are available free-of-charge from EPA's National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP). To order publications, call NSCEP toll-free at 1-800-490-9198. To search a catalogue of EPA publications or to order EPA publications on-line, visit the National Service Center for Environmental Publications web page.

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Where can I find EPA's test methods and models?

Test methods are approved procedures for measuring the presence and concentration of physical and chemical pollutants; evaluating properties, such as toxic properties, of chemical substances; or measuring the effects of substances under various conditions. See EPA test methods and guidelines.

EPA uses a wide variety of computational models to support the scientific analyses that inform our decisions and policies. These models increase the level of understanding about natural systems and the way in which they react to varying conditions, including the spread of toxic substances in various media, the short- and long-term effects of exposure to hazardous substances, and other forms of prediction and risk assessment.

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