Listed Species in Upson County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Red-cockaded woodpecker

Picoides borealis
EENest in mature pine with low understory vegetation (<1.5m); forage in pine and pine hardwood stands > 30 years of age, preferably > 10" dbhReduction of older age pine stands and to encroachment of hardwood midstory in older age pine stands due to fire suppression
Alligator snapping turtle

Macroclemys temminckii
No Federal StatusTRivers, lakes, and large ponds near stream swamps.Destruction and modification of habitat and overharvesting.

Barbour's map turtle

Graptemys barbouri

No Federal StatusTRestricted to the Apalachicola River and larger tributaries including the Chipola,
Chattahoochee, and Flint Rivers in eastern Alabama, western Georgia, and western Florida.
Gopher tortoise

Gopherus polyphemus

No Federal StatusTWell-drained, sandy soils in forest and grassy areas; associated with pine overstory, open understory with grass and forb groundcover, and sunny areas for nestingHabitat loss and conversion to closed canopy forests. Other threats include mortality on highways and the collection of tortoises for pets.
Gulf moccasinshell mussel

Medionidus pencillatus

EEMedium streams to large rivers with slight to moderate current over sand and gravel substrates; may be associated with muddy sand substrates around tree roots Habitat modification, sedimentation, and water quality degradation
Oval pigtoe mussel

Pleurobema pyriforme

EERiver tributaries and main channels in slow to moderate currents over silty sand, muddy sand, sand, and gravel substrates Habitat modification, sedimentation, and water quality degradation
Purple bankclimber mussel

Elliptoideus sloatianus

TTMain channels of ACF basin rivers in moderate currents over sand, sand mixed with mud, or gravel substratesHabitat modification, sedimentation, and water quality degradation
Shiny-rayed pocketbook mussel

Lampsilis subangulata

EEMedium creeks to the mainstems of rivers with slow to moderate currents over sandy substrates and associated with rock or clay Habitat modification, sedimentation, and water quality degradation
Bluestripe shiner

Cyprinella callitaenia
No Federal StatusTBrownwater streams 
Highscale shiner

Notropis hypsilepis
No Federal StatusTBlackwater and brownwater streams 
Fringed campion

Silene polypetala
EEMature hardwood or hardwood-pine forests on river bluffs, small stream terraces, moist slopes and well-shaded ridge crests; one population in Upson County last located in 1995 Residential development, logging, and spread of Japanese honeysuckle
Piedmont barren strawberry

Waldsteinia lobata
No Federal StatusTRocky acedic woods along streams with mountain laurel; rarely in drier upland oak-hickory-pine woods  
Relict trillium

Trillium reliquum
EEHardwood forests; in the Piedmont, found in either in rich ravines or adjacent alluvial terraces with other spring-flowering herbs Logging, road construction, agricultural conversion, mining, residential/industrial development, and encroachment by Japanese honeysuckle and kudzu
Shoals spider-lily

Hymenocallis coronaria
No Federal StatusEMajor streams and rivers in rocky shoals and in cracks of exposed bedrock; plants can be completely submerged during flooding