Listed Species in Troup County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Bald eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus
TEInland waterways and estuarine areas in Georgia. Active eagle nest were located in Troup county in 2000-2002.Major factor in initial decline was lowered reproductive success following use of DDT. Current threats include habitat destruction, disturbance at the nest, illegal shooting, electrocution, impact injuries, and lead poisoning.
Bluestripe shiner

Cyprinella callitaenia<
No Federal StatusTBrownwater streams 
Highscale shiner

Notropis hypsilepis
No Federal StatusTBlackwater and brownwater streams 
Bay star-vine

Schisandra glabra
No Federal StatusTTwining on subcanopy and understory trees/shrubs in rich alluvial woods  
Green pitcher-plant

Sarracenia oreophila
EEOpen seepy meadows, along sandy flushed banks of streams, and in partially shaded red maple-blackgum low woods or poorly drained oak-pine flatwoods; the known population of this species in Troup County has been extirpated Collection for commercial sale; fire suppression; and increased residential, agricultural, and silvicultural development