Listed Species in Peach County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Bald eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus
TEInland waterways and estuarine areas in Georgia.  Major factor in initial decline was lowered reproductive success following use of DDT. Current threats include habitat destruction, disturbance at the nest, illegal shooting, electrocution, impact injuries, and lead poisoning.
Red-cockaded woodpecker

Picoides borealis
EENest in mature pine with low understory vegetation (<1.5m); forage in pine and pine hardwood stands > 30 years of age, preferably > 10" dbhReduction of older age pine stands and to encroachment of hardwood midstory in older age pine stands due to fire suppression
Indian olive

Nestronia umbellula
No Federal StatusTDry open upland forests of mixed hardwood and pine  
Sweet pitcher-plant

Sarracenia rubra
No Federal StatusEAcid soils of open bogs, sandhill seeps, Atlantic white-cedar swamps, wet savannahs, low areas in pine flatwoods, and along sloughs and ditches