Listed Species in Oglethorpe County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Granite rock stonecrop

Sedum pusillum

No Federal StatusTGranite outcrops among mosses in partial shade under red ceder trees. 
Indian olive

Nestronia umbellula
No Federal StatusTDry open upland forests of mixed hardwood and pine  
Oglethorpe oak

Quercus oglethorpensis
No Federal StatusTMostly in poorly drained heavy clay soils of seasonally wet Piedmont seepage swamps; sometimes in surrounding uplands and on stream terraces  
Pool Sprite, Snorkelwort

Amphianthus pusillus


TTShallow pools on granite outcrops, where water collects after a rain. Pools are less than 1 foot deep and rock rimmed