Listed Species in Hancock County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Bald eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus
TEInland waterways and estuarine areas in Georgia.  Active eagle nests were located in Hancock County in 1988-1999 and 2000-2002Major factor in initial decline was lowered reproductive success following use of DDT. Current threats include habitat destruction, disturbance at the nest, illegal shooting, electrocution, impact injuries, and lead poisoning.
Robust redhorse

Moxostoma robustum

No Federal StatusEMedium to large rivers with shallow to deep flowing moderately swift water  
Mat-forming quillwort

Isoetes tegetiformans
EEShallow pools on granite outcrops, where water collects after a rain. Pools are less than 1 foot deep and rock rimmed. Quarrying that destroys granite outcrops is the major threat. Other threats include vehicle traffic, littering, fire building, vandalism, and cattle eutrophication/trampling on outcrops.
Pool Sprite, Snorkelwort

Amphianthus pusillus
TTShallow pools on granite outcrops, where water collects after a rain. Pools are less than 1 foot deep and rock rimmed