Listed Species in DeKalb County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Bald eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus
TEInland waterways and estuarine areas in Georgia.  Major factor in initial decline was lowered reproductive success following use of DDT. Current threats include habitat destruction, disturbance at the nest, illegal shooting, electrocution, impact injuries, and lead poisoning.
Bluestripe shiner|

Cyprinella callitaenia
No Federal StatusTBrownwater streams 
Bay star-vine

Schisandra glabra
No Federal StatusTTwining on subcanopy and understory trees/shrubs in rich alluvial woods  
Black-spored quillwort

Isoetes melanospora
EEShallow pools on granite outcrops, where water collects after a rain. Pools are less than 1 foot deep and rock rimmed.  
Flatrock onion

Allium speculae
No Federal StatusTSeepy edges of vegetation mats on outcrops of granitic rock  
Granite rock stonecrop

Sedum pusillum
No Federal StatusTGranite outcrops among mosses in partial shade under red cedar trees  
Indian olive

Nestronia umbellula
No Federal StatusTDry open upland forests of mixed hardwood and pine  
Piedmont barren strawberry

Waldsteinia lobata
No Federal StatusTRocky acedic woods along streams with mountain laurel; rarely in drier upland oak-hickory-pine woods  
Pool Sprite, Snorkelwort

Amphianthus pusillus
TTShallow pools on granite outcrops, where water collects after a rain. Pools are less than 1 foot deep and rock rimmed