Listed Species in Cook County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Red-cockaded woodpecker

Picoides borealis
EENest in mature pine with low understory vegetation (<1.5m); forage in pine and pine hardwood stands > 30 years of age, preferably > 10" dbhReduction of older age pine stands and to encroachment of hardwood midstory in older age pine stands due to fire suppression
Wood stork 

Mycteria americana
EEPrimarily feed in fresh and brackish wetlands and nest in cypress or other wooded swampsDecline due primarily to loss of suitable feeding habitat, particularly in south Florida. Other factors include loss of nesting habitat, prolonged drought/flooding, raccoon predation on nests, and human disturbance of rookeries.
Eastern indigo snake

Drymarchon corais couperi
TTDuring winter, den in xeric sandridge habitat preferred by gopher tortoises; during warm months, forage in creek bottoms, upland forests, and agricultural fields Habitat loss due to uses such as farming, construction, forestry, and pasture and to overcollecting for the pet trade
Gopher tortoise

Gopherus polyphemus

No Federal StatusTWell-drained, sandy soils in forest and grassy areas; associated with pine overstory, open understory with grass and forb groundcover, and sunny areas for nestingHabitat loss and conversion to closed canopy forests. Other threats include mortality on highways and the collection of tortoises for pets.
Alabama Shad

Alosa Alabamae
Parrot pitcher-plant

Sarracenia psittacina

No Federal StatusTAcid soils of open bogs, wet savannahs, and low areas in pine flatwoods.