Listed Species in Bartow County
(updated May 2004)

SpeciesFederal StatusState StatusHabitatThreats
Gray bat

Myotis grisescens

EEColonies restricted to caves or cave-like habitats; forage primarily over water along rivers or lake shores Human disturbance and vandalism in caves, pesticides, flooding of caves by impoundments, and loss of insect prey over streams degraded by siltation and pollution
Cherokee darter

Etheostoma scotti

TTShallow water (0.1-0.5 m) in small to medium warm water creeks (1-15 m wide) with predominantly rocky bottoms. Usually found in sections with reduced current, typically runs above and below riffles and at ecotones of riffles and backwaters. Habitat loss due to dam and reservoir construction, habitat degradation, and poor water quality
Etowah darter

Etheostoma etowahae
EEShallow riffle habitat, with large gravel, cobble, and small boulder substrates. Usually found in medium and large cool water creeks or small rivers (15-30 m wide) with moderate or high gradients and rocky bottoms. Habitat loss due to dam and reservoir construction, habitat degradation, and poor water quality
Cylindrical lioplax

Lioplax cyclostomaformis
ENo State StatusGill-breathing snail that lives in mud under large rocks in rapid currents over stream and river shoals. Historic population in Armuchee Creek, Floyd County, probably extirpated. Habitat modification, sedimentation, and water quality degradation
Bay star-vine

Schisandra glabra
No Federal StatusTTwining on subcanopy and understory trees/shrubs in rich alluvial woods  
Tennessee yellow-eyed grass

Xyris tennesseensis
EEGravelly open, calcareous, seepy margins and wet meadows along spring-fed headwater streams  

Jeffersonia diphylla
No Federal StatusERich moist deciduous woods over limestone