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Working with School Districts

Highlights from Four California Communities Working to Advance Joint Use Webinar

Details the achievements, challenges, and resources used to implement and sustain joint use agreements in four communities.

How to Enforce a Wellness Policy: A Guide for Parents and Community Advocates [PDF–1.28MB]

Offers parents and community advocates a brief step-by-step guide to ensure that their school district is enforcing its wellness policy.

Implementing Safe Routes to School in Low-Income Schools and Communities [PDF–1.82MB]

Offers an overview of six key challenges that low-income communities face and includes specific tips for beginning and sustaining successful, culturally sensitive, and inclusive Safe Routes to School initiatives.

Key Lessons from California Schools Working to Change School Food Environments [PDF–1.38MB]

Outlines challenges, opportunities, and key considerations for working with and within schools to improve nutrition and physical activity environments for children.

Obesity Prevention on a Budget: Low- and No-Cost Policy Options to Increase Healthy Eating and Active Living [PDF–2.39MB]

Presents a range of budget-conscious policy approaches that leverage existing resources and partnerships to reduce local obesity rates by increasing opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity.

Promoting Healthy Youth, Schools, and Communities: A Guide to Community School Health Councils [PDF–2.57MB]

Toolkit describes the steps for creating a community-based coalition to work with a school district in order to strengthen children's health.

School-Based Physical Education: Working with Schools to Increase Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents in Physical Education Classes

Uses 19 action steps as a guide for community advocates to begin and implement a program to increase physical activity in a local school district.

Key Lessons from California Schools Working to Change School Food Environments [PDF–1.38MB]

Outlines challenges, opportunities, and key considerations for working with and within schools to improve nutrition and physical activity environments for children.

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School Wellness Policies

Healthy School Toolkit

Guides teachers and other members of the school community in implementing The Food Trust's highly successful Comprehensive School Nutrition Policy Initiative.

Healthy Schools Program Framework: Criteria for Developing a Healthier School Environment [PDF–552KB]

Provides specific criteria and steps schools can take to improve physical activity, nutrition, and school wellness programs, and is revised annually.

Healthy Youth! Local School Wellness Policy

Provides background information on when and why local school wellness policies are required.

Healthy Youth! School Health Index

Offers an easy-to-use self-assessment and planning tool for schools to improve their health and safety policies and programs.

How to Enforce a Wellness Policy: A Guide for Parents and Community Advocates [PDF–1.28MB]

Gives parents and community advocates a brief step-by-step guide to ensure that their school district is enforcing the wellness policy.

Model Local School Wellness Policies on Physical Activity and Nutrition [PDF–77KB]

Offers model policies for school wellness, nutritional quality of school lunches, and other related model guidelines.

Model Wellness Policy Guide [PDF–985KB]

Resource includes guidance to help school districts create, implement, and monitor a wellness policy.

Model Wellness Policy Language for Water Access in Schools [PDF–2.57MB]

Describes a set of model goals and actions for schools to incorporate into their wellness policies that will make fresh drinking water available during mealtimes at no cost to students.

Obesity Prevention Policies for Middle and High Schools: Are We Doing Enough?

Reports on state and district level wellness policies and shares how they do not address critical components of school nutrition and physical activity policy.

School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity [PDF–973KB]

Describes school health guidelines for promoting healthy eating and physical activity and are based on an in-depth review of research, theory, and best practices.

State Strategies to Support Local Wellness Policies

Highlights several promising strategies that, depending on a state's capacity, resources, and context, could strengthen the impact of local school wellness policies.

Using School Wellness Policies to Advance Policy Change

Webinar provides an overview of school policies, explains the importance of school health councils, and outlines key tools to make school policy changes a reality.

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School Food Environment

Delivering More: Scaling Up Farm-to-School Programs [PDF–1.38MB]

Describes four farm-to-school programs and seeks to address the need to reach more children and more schools by strategies and planning related to distribution capacity.

District Policy Restricting Food and Beverage Advertising on School Grounds [PDF–245KB]

Offers a model policy for school districts to help create and maintain a learning environment that minimizes commercial distractions by restricting food and beverage advertising.

District Policy Restricting the Advertising of Food and Beverages Not Permitted to be Sold on School Grounds [PDF–249KB]

Offers a model policy for school districts to help create and maintain a learning environment that minimizes commercial distractions by restricting food and beverage advertising not sold on school grounds.

Farm to School Evaluation Toolkit [PDF–1.7MB]

Describes the efficient, relatively inexpensive, dietary assessment tool used to evaluate the impact that farm-to-school programs have on children's intake of fruits and vegetables at school.

Food Safety Tips for School Gardens [PDF–2.16MB]

Fact sheet describes how to ensure that school garden produce is grown and prepared for students in a safe environment.

Healthy School Toolkit

Guides teachers and other members of the school community in implementing The Food Trust's highly successful Comprehensive School Nutrition Policy Initiative.

Healthy Schools Program Framework: Criteria for Developing a Healthier School Environment [PDF–552KB]

Provides specific criteria and steps schools can take to improve physical activity, nutrition, and school wellness programs and is revised annually.

Healthy Youth! School Health Index

Offers an easy-to-use self-assessment and planning tool for schools to improve their health and safety policies and programs.

How to Start a Healthy Food Market

Guides school districts to create and sustain a school market.

Key Lessons from California Schools Working to Change School Food Environments [PDF–1.38MB]

Outlines challenges, opportunities, and key considerations for working with and within schools to improve nutrition and physical activity environments for children.

Minnesota Toolkit for School Foodservice

Online toolkit describes the steps for beginning a farm-to-school program

Model School Board Resolution in Support of Establishing a Farm-to-School Program [PDF–243KB]

Model resolution for school districts who want to establish a farm-to-school program.

Roadmap to Improving Food and Physical Activity Environments: Tips and Tools for Community Change. Second Edition [PDF–2.26MB]

Includes examples, tips, and lessons from the Healthy Eating, Active Living program and details how successes were accomplished.

School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity [PDF–973KB]

Describes school health guidelines for promoting healthy eating and physical activity and are based on an in-depth review of research, theory, and best practices.

Serving School Garden Produce in the Cafeteria [PDF–251KB]

Discusses federal law and policies, the model version of the Food Code used by most states, and local policies that may bear on programs that serve school garden produce in the cafeteria.

The Kindergarten Initiative Toolkit: A Healthy Start to a Healthy Life

Introduces and guides implementation of The Kindergarten Initiative, a program that combines eating, farming, parent involvement, and nutrition education to affect how children think about and enjoy food.

Presentation materials for CDC's School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity

Offers a PowerPoint presentation and other materials for health professionals who want to educate others on CDC guidelines that promote healthy eating and physical activity in schools.

WellSAT: Wellness School Assessment Tool

Provides a tool for users to assess the quality of their school district's wellness policy and provides personal guidance and resources for making improvements on the basis of the assessment.

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Improving Nutritional Content

Delivering More: Scaling Up Farm to School Programs [PDF–1.38MB]

Describes four farm-to-school programs and seeks to address the need to reach more children and more schools by strategies and planning related to distribution capacity.

Developing a Healthy Beverage Vending Agreement [PDF–1.72MB]

Outlines key considerations for schools that want to control the array of products sold or advertised to students and generate revenue while ensuring that all products meet wellness policy standards.

District Policy Establishing a Healthy Vending Program [PDF–267KB]

Offers a model policy for school districts to help create and maintain a learning environment that minimizes commercial distractions by restricting food and beverage advertising.

How to Start a Healthy Food Market

Guides school districts to create and sustain a school market.

Implementing Strong Nutrition Standards for Schools: Financial Implications [PDF–1.85MB]

Presents a fact sheet about the evidence for maintaining financial stability and implementing strong nutrition standards.

Model Wellness Policy Language for Water Access in Schools [PDF–2.57MB]

Describes a set of model goals and actions for schools to incorporate into their wellness policies that will make fresh drinking water available during mealtimes at no cost to students.

Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools [PDF–1.46MB]

Reports on Institute of Medicine findings and recommendations about nutrition standards for foods and beverages offered in direct competition with school-provided meals and snacks.

Nutritional Guidelines for Products Sold in New York City Schools [PDF–100KB]

Lists all food and beverages approved for sale in New York City Schools.

Recommended Nutrition Standards for Foods Outside of School Meal Programs: Information for Parents, Guardians, Teachers, and School Staff [PDF–1.46MB]

Lists recommendations of appropriate nutritional standards for competitive foods at school.

Serving School Garden Produce in the Cafeteria [PDF–251KB]

Discusses federal law and policies, the model version of the Food Code used by most states, and local policies that may bear on programs that serve school garden produce in the cafeteria.

Farm-to-School Toolkit

Provides a one-stop resource to start or sustain a farm-to-school program, including background information, tools, resources, and contacts.

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Joint Use Agreement

Highlights from Four California Communities Working to Advance Joint Use webinar

Details the achievements, challenges, and resources used to implement and sustain joint use agreements in four communities.

Joint Use of District and City Recreation Facilities [PDF–332KB]

Provides a model agreement to allow a community to use designated school district outdoor recreation facilities.

Opening Indoor and Outdoor School Facilities for Use During Non-School Hours [PDF–323KB]

Provides a model agreement to allow a community to use designated school district indoor and outdoor recreation facilities.

Opening Outdoor School Facilities for Use During Non-School Hours [PDF–321KB]

Provides a model agreement to allow a community to use designated school district indoor and outdoor recreation facilities and allows third parties to operate recreation programs using school facilities.

Opening School Facilities for Use During Non-School Hours and Authorizing Third Parties to Operate Programs [PDF–340KB]

Opens up both school district and local government facilities to be used by community, school, and third party groups.

Opening School Grounds to the Community After Hours: A Toolkit for Increasing Physical Activity through Joint Use Agreements [PDF–2.57MB]

Comprehensive guide to writing, adopting, and implementing a joint use agreement.

Promoting Recreational Use of School Property After-Hours

Webinar outlines the importance of community use of school property, concerns behind community use and liability, and key concepts of the model School Recreational Use Statute.

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Physical Activity and Education

Fostering Physical Activity for Children and Youth: Opportunities for a Lifetime of Health

Provides background research about physical activity levels and highlights organizational practices and public policies to improve physical activity among youth.

Healthy Schools Program Framework: Criteria for Developing a Healthier School Environment [PDF–552KB]

Provides specific criteria and steps schools can take to improve physical activity, nutrition, and school wellness programs, and is revised annually.

School Health Index

Provides an easy-to-use self-assessment and planning tool that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs.

Implementing Safe Routes to School in Low-Income Schools and Communities [PDF–1.82MB]

Offers an overview of six key challenges that low-income communities face and includes specific tips for beginning and sustaining successful, culturally sensitive, and inclusive Safe Routes to School initiatives.

Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (PECAT) [PDF–1.36MB]

Offers a self-assessment and planning guide to help school districts and schools conduct clear, complete, and consistent analyses of physical education curricula, using the national physical education standards.

Policy Package: Model School Siting Policies for Illinois School Districts [PDF–2.91MB]

Resource for school districts that want to ensure that their school siting decisions support the physical health and overall well-being of students and their community.

Safe Routes to School Handbook [PDF–384KB]

Helps to increase the number of children walking and bicycling to school.

Safe Routes to School Local Policy Guide [PDF–4.38MB]

Offers a comprehensive overview of local policy measures to meet the Safe Routes to School goals and expand the program to a “health in all policies” approach.

School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity [PDF–973KB]

Describes school health guidelines for promoting healthy eating and physical activity and are based on an in-depth review of research, theory, and best practices.

School-Based Physical Education: Working with Schools to Increase Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents in Physical Education Classes

Translates evidence-based recommendations into "how-to" guidance for implementing effective community-level health promotion strategies.

The Roles of Schools, Families, and Communities in Promoting Youth Physical Activity [PDF–1MB]

Provides a fact sheet and presentation for advocates who want to engage parental, school district, and community involvement in improving youth physical activity levels.

Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs

Provides position statements to formally define, explain, and support components and relationships of a comprehensive school physical activity program.

Strategies to Improve the Quality of Physical Education [PDF–598KB]

Provides two key strategies for improving quality physical education.

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Physical Activity and Education After School

Fostering Physical Activity for Children and Youth: Opportunities for a Lifetime of Health

Provides background research about physical activity levels and highlights organizational practices and public policies to improve physical activity among youth.

Guidelines for After School Physical Activity and Intramural Sport Programs [PDF–139KB]

Offers recommendations for planning and implementing after-school physical activity and intramural programming for children in grades K-12.

Kids on the Move: Physical Activity Guidelines for Afterschool Programs [PDF–1.84MB]

Toolkit includes guidelines for a range of ages, tools for implementing and evaluating a program, and a sample policy and letter to parents.

Let's Go! 5210 Goes After School Toolkit

Offers a comprehensive Tool Kit for child care providers who want to improve the physical activity levels and overall health of children in their care.

National Afterschool Association Standards for Healthy Eating and Physical Activity [PDF–152KB]

Provides up-to-date, evidence-based, practical values that foster the best possible physical activity and nutrition outcomes for children in grades K–12 attending afterschool programs.

Roadmap to Improving Food and Physical Activity Environments: Tips and Tools for Community Change. Second Edition [PDF–2.26MB]

Includes examples, tips, and lessons from the Healthy Eating, Active Living program and details how successes were accomplished.

The Roles of Schools, Families, and Communities in Promoting Youth Physical Activity [PDF–1MB]

Provides a fact sheet and presentation for advocates who want to engage parental, school district, and community involvement in improving levels of youth physical activity.

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