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Verify Information System Account Setup

This web page provides information for engine and vehicle manufacturers seeking to to electronically submit emissions and fuel economy information to EPA's Verify information system via EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX). See the basic information page and the questions and answers page for more information on the Verify information system and CDX.

The procedures on this page assume that a manufacturer has an EPA manufacturer code and that the code has been entered in the Verify information system. If you have not completed both of these steps please see the manufacturer code information to complete that process before engaging in any of the procedures below.

EPA must collect the information described here to ensure compliance with the Cross-Media Electronic Reporting Rule (CROMERR). This rule, finalized in October 2005, establishes provisions, procedures, and standards for electronically reporting various types of information to EPA. Further information on CROMERR can be found at www.epa.gov/CROMERR.

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Required Documents

EPA's Compliance and Innovative Strategies Division (CISD) must hold hard copy (wet ink signed) forms of the following documents before a manufacturer's Verify accounts can be created or activated.

1. Electronic Signature Agreement from Company Approving Official

The Electronic Signature Agreement (ESA) from the Company Approving Official (CAO) identifies the company officer responsible for designating individuals with authority to represent the company and conduct company transactions through the Verify information system. This ESA must be signed by the CAO as well as the CAO's immediate supervisor or an official witness (such as a vice president or Director of Human Resources). The original completed document (“wet ink signed”) must be sent to CISD's Verify team by the US Postal Service or a package delivery service. Electronic files and telephone facsimiles will not be accepted. The document should be sent to the address below.

2. User Authorization Letter and User Information

The CAO's ESA identifies and records the company official who is responsible for information submission to CISD. However, a company's CAO may wish to designate other users to carry out day-to-day interactions with the Verify information system: submitting files, requesting certificates of conformity, sending documents, etc. The CAO may designate others to perform these tasks by submitting a user authorization letter and user identification information. This letter must be sent to CISD by the US Postal Service or a package delivery service. Electronic files and telephone facsimiles will not be accepted. The letter should be sent to the address below.
Note: The User Authorization Letter must be signed by the same person submitting the Company Approving Official (CAO) ESA (paragraph 1).

Download, complete, print, and mail the

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3. Submitter Electronic Signature Agreement

The last required form is the submitter electronic signature agreement. With this form each user agrees to abide by the rules of the Verify information system. CISD must receive a signed ESA for each user before their account can be activated. Users must send their ESAs to CISD by the US Postal Service or a package delivery service. Electronic files and telephone facsimiles will not be accepted. This submitter ESA should be sent to the address below.
Note: A Submitter ESA must be received from every person who would like to become a Verify user, including a CAO (even though he has sent in a CAO ESA).

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User CDX Account Setup

After CISD receives, evaluates, and approves the documents listed above, CISD will forward the approved submitter contact information to the CDX Help Desk where the user account information will be created. After entry, the Help Desk will then send each approved individual user a confirmation e-mail message, which will include a URL for registration completion and instructions telling the user to call the CDX Help Desk to complete the registration process.

Once the user calls the Help Desk, the Help Desk will call the user back at the phone number specified in the user information spreadsheet to authenticate the caller's legitimacy. At that time, the Help Desk will provide each user with a unique customer retrieval key (CRK), which is needed to complete the last step of the registration process.

In the final steps each user will go to the CDX web site located at the URL provided in the confirmation e-mail and enter the CRK in addition to other account information. Once the user registration process is complete, users will be logged in and may then immediately begin using the Verify information system.

Mailing Address

Verify Team
2000 Traverwood Drive
Ann Arbor, MI  48105

CDX Help Desk Contact Information

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