U.S.-Japan-Republic of Korea Trilateral in Seoul, May 21 and Special Representative for North Korea Policy Travel in the Region

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
May 17, 2012


On May 21, the United States will participate in a trilateral dialogue in Seoul with the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan. The meeting is part of an ongoing dialogue among all three countries to exchange views on a wide range of regional and global issues, including North Korea. The discussions reflect the close cooperation between the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea, as well as common values and interests across the Asia-Pacific and the globe.

The U.S. delegation will be led by Special Representative for North Korea Policy Glyn Davies. The ROK delegation will be headed by ROK Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Issues Lim Sung-nam. The Japanese delegation will be headed by Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) Director General for Asian and Oceanian Affairs Shinsuke Sugiyama.

Ambassador Davies will arrive in Seoul on May 20 for a bilateral meeting with ROK Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Issues Lim Sung-nam. While in Seoul he will also meet with ROK National Security Advisor Chun Yung-woo.

Special Representative Davies will travel to Beijing May 22-23 to meet with his Chinese counterpart Special Representative for Korean Peninsula Affairs Wu Dawei and other senior Chinese officials to exchange views on regional issues including North Korea.

He will travel to Tokyo for meetings May 23-25 with senior Japanese government officials including Minister for the Abduction Issue Jin Matsubara, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Kenichiro Sasae, MOFA Director General for Asian and Oceanian Affairs Shinsuke Sugiyama, and Assistant Chief Cabinet Secretary Chikao Kawai.

Ambassador Davies returns to Washington, D.C. on May 25.

PRN: 2012/777


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