Special Representative Reta Jo Lewis Travels to China

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
May 3, 2012


Special Representative for Global Intergovernmental Affairs Reta Jo Lewis is traveling to the cities of Beijing, Changchun, and Harbin, China to promote subnational engagement, April 30-May 9.

Special Representative Lewis will support Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton’s participation in the fourth joint meeting of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing, May 3-4. While in Beijing, Special Representative Lewis will witness the signing of four new EcoPartnerships. The EcoPartnerships program is aimed at developing new models of mutually beneficial, voluntary arrangements between a range of state, local, and private sector organizations to promote energy security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability in the United States and China.

Special Representative Lewis will then travel to Changchun, Jilin Province and Harbin, Heilongjang Province to meet with state and local officials to promote U.S.-China subnational partnerships.

PRN: 2012/697


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