General Information

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John Nagy



  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., Physics
  • University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D., Physics
  • John Hopkins University, Postdoctoral Fellow

Professional Affiliations

  • American Physical Society

Areas of Interest

  • Monitoring and control in real-time experimental science systems
  • Environmental effects of the nuclear fuel cycle
  • Environmental effects of radionuclides
  • Rare and endangered species, habitats, and ecosystems
  • Ecological effects of renewable energy sources


  • Completed experimental studies of the hadronic decays of the lambda particle, the electron semileptonic decay of the long-lived neutral K particle, and the production of gamma rays and pi-zero particles in very high energy pN collisions
  • Surveyed the environmental effects of the nuclear fuel cycles and radionuclides in other energy systems
  • Organized information on endangered species of federal or regional concern and information on unique, rare, or threatened ecosystem remnants
  • Participated in large-scale field experiments to study botanical and ecological effects of elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide
  • Visiting Research Scientist, Duke University

Publications (since 2000)

Darbah, J., Nagy, J., Jones, W. S., Burton, A. J., and Kubiske, M. E. Acute O3 damage on first year coppice sprouts of aspen and maple sprouts in an open-air experiment. J. Environ. Monit. 13, 2436-2442 (2011).

Pinter Jr., P., Kimball, B., Wall, G., LaMorte, R., Hunsaker, D., Adamsen, F., Frumau, K., Vugts, H., Hendrey, G., Lewin, K., Nagy, J., Johnson, H., Wachsung, F., Leavitt, S., Thompson, T., Matthias, A., and Brooks, T. Free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE): Blower effects on wheat canopy microclimate and plant development. Agricultural Forest Meteorol. 103, 319-333 (2000).