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Terrence Sullivan


Terry Sullivan is a member of the Environmental Research and Technology Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory. His research has led to the development and application of models for air, soil, and groundwater contamination and using the outcome of these models for evaluating the human health risk from contamination. Health risk studies have included examining mercury deposition from coal fired power plants, residual radioactive contamination from decommissioned nuclear power plants, and accidental releases of radioactivity from operating plants. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission he has developed six different computer models to perform source term analysis and predict subsurface fate and transport from shallow land radioactive waste disposal facilities. These codes have gained international acceptance and use. He has supplied technical assistance to Brookhaven National Laboratory and other Department of Energy sites on a wide range of environmental contamination problems. He has also led the development and application of multi-criteria decision support software to assist in selecting the best cleanup alternative for environmental remediation problems. His other research interest involves the use of gas tracers to track pollutant movement in buildings, subways, and Nuclear Power Plants. He has authored over 200 papers and reports.


  • University of Illinois, Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering
  • University of Virginia, B.S., Nuclear Engineering


  • Society for Risk Assessment

Areas of Interest

  • Predicting the fate and transport of environmental contaminants
  • Application of gas tracers for determining air movement in buildings
  • Decision support tools for environmental contamination problems


  • Deputy Division Head, Environmental Research and Technology Division, 2000-2005; 2007- present.
  • Assistant to the Associate Laboratory Director for Energy, Environment, and National Security.
  • Scientist, Environmental Research and Technology Division, Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1983-present.

External Service

  • Provided five International Atomic Energy Agency training courses on Safety Assessment (1996-2003).
  • Member of three International Atomic Energy Agency co-ordinated research programs on low-level waste disposal (1998-2004).
  • Member of the National Council of Radiation Protection subcommittee for Low-level radioactive waste safety assessment (1995-2000).
  • President of Decision Analysis and Risk Specialty Group of the Society for Risk Analysis (2008-2009).
  • Reviewer: Journals: Waste Management, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Engineering Science, Contaminant Hydrology, Nuclear Technology, Nuclear Energy.

Selected Publications (since 1996)

Watson, T. B., T.M. Sullivan, “Feasibility of a Perfluorocarbon tracer based network to support Monitoring, Verification, and Accounting of Sequestered CO2,  Environ. Sci. Technol. 46(3), 1692-1699, 2012.

Sullivan, T., M. Hauptmann, and W. Gunther, “Lessons Learned in Detecting, Monitoring, Modeling, and Remediating Radioactive Groundwater Contamination”, NUREG/CR-7029, BNL-NUREG-94789-2011/75048, 2011.

Yatsalo, B., T.Sullivan, V.Didenko, and I.Linkov, “Environmental risk management for radiological accidents: Integrating risk assessment and decision analysis for remediation at different spatial scales.” Integrated Environ. Assess. Manage. 7(3), 393-395, 2011.

Sullivan, T., Kalb, P., "Decision Makers Toolkit for Environmental Cleanup Response to a Radiological Dispersal Device Incident". Urban Remediation and Response Project Prepared for New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, June 30, 2009. OUO

Sullivan, T., B. Yatsolo, A. Grebenkov, I. Linkov, “Decision Evaluation for Complex Risk Network Systems (DECERNS) Software Tool”, Decision Analysis Tools for Environmental Problems, Ch 12. Ed A. Marcomini, G.W. Suter II, and A. Critto, Springer, NY, 2009.

Sullivan, T., S.V.Musolino, J.DeFranco. “A Method for Dose Assessment for Reentry or Reoccupancy and Recovery of Areas Contaminated by a Radiological Dispersal Device” J. Health Phys. 94(5), 411-417, 2008.

Sullivan, T.M., B. Bowerman, J. Adams,, F.D. Lipfert, S.M. Morris, A. Bando, R. Pena, R. Blake, “Mercury Emissions from Coal Fired Power Plants Local Impacts on Human Health Risk,” BNL 73967, 2005.

Sullivan, T.M., J. Heiser, A. Gard, and G. Senum, “Monitoring Subsurface Barrier Integrity Using Perfluorocarbon Tracers,” ASCE J. Environ. Eng, 124(6), 490-497, 1998.

Sullivan, T.M., "DUST-MS - Disposal Unit Source Term- Multiple Species : Data Input Guide." Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1997.

MacKinnon, R.J., T.M. Sullivan, and R.R. Kinsey, “BLT-EC Breach, Leach, Transport, and Equilibrium Chemistry), Data Input Guide: A Computer Model for Simulating Release and Coupled Geochemical Transport of Contaminants from a Subsurface Disposal Facility,” NUREG/CR-6515, BNL-NUREG-52516, 1997.

Sullivan, T.M., L.Y. Cheng, “Modeling Analysis Performed to Estimate the Leak Rate, Source, and Duration of the Tritium Released from the High Flux Beam Reactor,” BNL Internal Report, March 1997.

Sullivan, T.M., R. J, MacKinnon, R.R. Kinsey, A. Aronson, and M. Divadeenam, “BLT-MS (Breach, Leach and Transport-Multiple Species) Data Input Guide: A Computer Model for Simulating Release of Contaminants from a Subsurface Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility”, NUREG/CR-6492, BNL-NUREG-52509, 1996.