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CDC Streptococcus Laboratory

CDC Streptococcus Laboratory

Respiratory Diseases Branch
Division of Bacterial Diseases






70,000X magnification electron
micrograph of an ultra-thin section of Streptococcus pyogenes, contributed by

Dr. Vincent A. Fischetti,
Rockefeller University
(exit site)

About the Streptococcus Lab

The CDC Streptococcus Laboratory has been in operation since 1949. We provide laboratory support for U.S. active population based surveillance for invasive streptococcal disease for an overall population base of more than 30 million people (see, primary groups A and B streptococci, S. pneumoniae ). For decades the CDC strep lab has provided extensive invasive and non-invasive surveillance based support for streptococcal vaccine development and evaluation. We are very active in post-licensure pneumococcal vaccine surveillance and reference activities. Our national streptococcal laboratory surveillance data play a critical role in continuing efforts to combat streptococcal pathogens. Our laboratory data, together with these ABCs streptococcal isolates, serves as a valuable resource for outside researchers.


Also see the group B streptococcal website:


The laboratory serves health departments throughout the U.S. in the characterization of streptococcal isolates for outbreak support and other public health concerns, and is also very active internationally. The lab is a well-recognized reference center for identification and characterization of streptococci and other Gram positive catalase negative cocci.


Beside our surveillance and reference activities, we are actively involved with specialized streptococcal research projects that have direct public health relevance, with numerous collaborators in academia and industry.


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Page last modified: August 30, 2012
Content source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases
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