National Human Genome Research Institute   National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Annotating the Human Genome

Program Rationale
AHG Initiatives
Active Sequencing Projects
Process for Selecting New Sequencing Targets
Opportunities for New Sequencing Proposals
Program Contacts

Program Rationale

The Human Genome Project provided a completed reference sequence of the human genome. Now, scientists must engage in additional research to identify the genes and other functional elements encoded in the human genome, understand the distinctive forces that shaped the genome, and discern the relationship between genomic variation and susceptibility to disease. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has established a program to identify new genomic sequencing targets that are intended to help address these questions. In addition, this program identifies new sequencing targets that are mammalian biomedical model systems, where having a genome sequence will significantly enhance their value as research organisms.

NHGRI includes new genome sequencing targets that address one or more of these questions under the general title "Annotating the Human Genome" (AHG).

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AHG Initiatives

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Active Sequencing Projects

For an updated list of the genomes that are actively being sequenced or that have been completed recently, please see Approved Sequencing Targets.

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Process for Selecting New AHG Sequencing Targets

In 2003, NHGRI convened a working group to identify new sequencing targets in this area. The AHG working group (See Group Rosters) developed the scientific program outlined above, and identified relevant sequencing targets. Summaries of the original working group reports are available at Summaries of Working Group Proposals.

The scientific program outlined by the AHG working group continues to guide sequencing target project selection in this area.

All sequencing targets and rationales proposed by the AHG working group are assessed by the Coordinating Committee for sequencing target selection and by the National Advisory Council on Human Genome Research.

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Opportunities for New Sequencing Proposals

  • Within this subject area, most, if not all of the new target selection proposals originate from the AHG working group. Currently, there are no formal calls for target selection proposals from the scientific community. However, NHGRI will consider ideas for developing target selection proposals within this area from interested members of the scientific community. Please send inquiries to the program contacts listed below.

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Program Contacts

Adam Felsenfeld, Ph.D.
Program Director

Jane Peterson, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Division of Extramural Research

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Last Reviewed: January 29, 2009