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Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators

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This practical guide can help your school reduce the use of dangerous chemicals and install safer chemical management practices. It is aimed especially at helping school administrators to set policies that protect against dangerous chemical exposures. It is also aimed at helping parents and concerned citizens to determine if their children's schools are minimizing potential exposure to dangerous chemicals. Included is the "HealthySEAT" tool developed for schools by EPA to address chemical management and other environmental, safety and health issues.

Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators, December 2006 (PDF) (42 pp, 2.1 MB)

Executive Summary (HTML)

EPA welcomes your comments on the Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators.

View and print individual sections of the Chemical Management Resource Guide:

Summary (PDF) (3 pp, 195K)

Table of Contents (PDF) (2 pp, 101K)

Section I. Overview (PDF) (4 pp, 232K)

Section II. Hazardous Chemicals and Products in Schools (PDF) (5 pp, 210K)

Section III. Policies and Actions (PDF) (13 pp, 361K)

Section IV. Special Cases (PDF) (5 pp, 168K)

Section V. Conclusion (PDF) (2 pp, 87K)

References and Appendix (PDF) (11 pp, 355K)


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