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Northeast CSC News

Scientists Speak Out on Climate Change


Rachel Muir (FWS photo)
(U.S. FWS Photo)

Article Author: Ashley Spratt
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Inside Region 3, July 2012

More than 40 scientists from across the Midwest conservation community gathered this May to establish science priorities as part of a five-year science plan under development by U.S. Geological Survey’s Northeast Climate Science Center. The session was led by Rachel Muir, interim director of the recently established USGS Northeast Climate Science Center, and coordinated by the Illinois Natural History Survey, and the Eastern Tallgrass Prairie and Big Rivers Landscape Conservation Cooperative, a complimentary natural resources partnership dedicated to identifying and addressing landscape scale stressors on conservation, protection and restoration activities in our nation’s “cornbelt”.

Read more >> U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Inside Region 3, July 2012, p.8