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Content Management

As Content Coordinator, you represent your office or region on the Web Council and act as the liaison to the Office of Web Communications. As the representative of your office or region, you play a critical role in shaping the content of EPA's Web site.

The title Coordinator was carefully chosen. While you have many roles and responsibilities, foremost are dual roles of coordination. First, you shepherd the content creation and approval process. And in that capacity, you are responsible for connecting content creators and managers within your office and between others (national and regional) who may hold subject content.  The structure of the Web Council fosters this cross-Agency collaboration.

Secondly, and critical to the utility of our website, is the coordination of content organization. The Web is not linear and content placement and organization is far more complex than simply tacking a new page at the end of a string. As pages are revised or created, they must be woven into the quilt of existing content, with consideration for how the new content affects existing pages, and with as much attention to linking in as to linking out.

Roles and Responsibilities

National Content Manager

National Infrastructure Manager

Content Coordinators

Infrastructure Coordinators

Web Council Members


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