• OSHA Compliance 101

    Virtually every commercial lithographic printer located in the U.S., regardless of the size of operation, is required to comply with OSHA standards to some degree. The actual regulatory requirements will depend on the site-specific operations, practices and processes.

  • About OSHA

    The Occupational Safety and  Health Administration (OSHA), is an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor. The  administration’s sole responsibility is employee safety and health protection within  the workplace. OSHA is responsible for developing, implementing, and enforcing  safety and health standards and regulations.

  • Book of the Month

    Printing Industries Press strives to give you the most up-to-date and useful industry information. In doing so, Printing Industries Press now features a Book of the Month. Our goal is to showcase a publication or title each month that will give you all the industry information you need to continue to be more successful.