2010 National DNA Day Online Chatroom Transcript

This is just one question from an archive of the National DNA Day Moderated Chat held in April 2010. The NHGRI Director and many genomics experts from across NHGRI took questions from students, teachers and the general public on topics ranging from basic genomic research, to the genetic basis of disease, to ethical questions about genetic privacy.

What are the other ethically good source of stem cells? Other than recently fertilized egg? (Since that is unethical, means killing)
     Phyllis Frosst, Ph.D.: I currently investigate genetic discrimination, direct to consumer marketing of genetic tests and pharmacogenomics. So, there are many different kinds of stem cells. Your bone marrow is full of stem cells that differentiate into all the cells of your blood. Technically, a stem cell is any cell able to differentiate into a different cell as well as make more of itself. If you're talking about embryonic stem cells, which are the cells with the potential to become any cell in the body and hence the have the most potential to cure disease, then there is a field of research that is trying to create cells with the same potential - these are called induced pleuripotent stem cells.
Surya Bangsa Elementary in Indonesia (8th grade student)

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