Submission Number: 07802 

Received: 7/14/2011 11:31:15 AM
Commenter: George Walley
Organization: NEMO EDC
State: Missouri
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Preliminary Proposed Nutrition Principles to Guide Industry Self-Regulatory Efforts; Project No. P094513
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
As the economic development director for the City of Hannibal and Marion County, I am particularly distressed at this under-the-radar pseudo regulatory effort which will harm the General Mills plant which employees 1000 people in Hannibal, Missouri. As a citizen, I am completely outraged at this junk science report. I personally attended the US Chamber Regulatory Affairs meeting in DC on June 30th, 2011. Three impressive speakers, not employed by the processed food industry, presented compelling evidence as to the inconsistencies with good dietary science of this report. How do you reconcile the discrepancies with less than one year old national programs released by other national agencies. A legal scholar presented a superior case for the argument that this entire approach is unconstitutional as a violation of commercial free speech. My wife runs the primary food bank for our area and under these restrictions, 95% of the donated food products would not be allowed on this unbelievably overreaching pseudo set of regulations. Did you notice that there is no attempt to look at caloric intake which all experts agree is the primary health and obesity concern? I am totally perplexed as how this group of powerful federal agencies could come up with such a piece of garbage given their experts and resources. I spent 15 years as an elected member of the Hannibal Board of Education. I cannot begin to calculate the chaos and inconsistencies that we will face in the local school system trying to deal with these crazy nutritional standards. Nanny nation at its Worst! In my opinion this report needs to be completely withdrawn and thrown in the trash. Respectfully, George Walley Exec. Director Northeast Missouri Economic Development Council