Submission Number: 00044 

Received: 5/12/2011 3:51:36 PM
Commenter: Alana He
State: Outside the United States
Agency: Federal Trade Commission
Initiative: Preliminary Proposed Nutrition Principles to Guide Industry Self-Regulatory Efforts; Project No. P094513
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
In my opinion I think this is a good start by will not stop parents from buying these unhealthy foods for their kids. It is not only the media that influences our kids to want these foods. They take most of their example from those they care Nd respect around them (parents,caregivers). In our home we have very few processed foods but do have granola bars and easy to grab packages of dry fruites, nuts seaweed and peas that we can all grab on the go. Having washed fruit I. Bowl on the table where it is easy to see and grab also reminds us all to eat these first before going to the cupboard for a packaged item. By making the food fun and easy to acsess makes the "challenge" of getting kids to eat healthy sometning we just do not have to think of. Plus it keeps our food bills down because our bodies are telling us we have the right stuff and do not get many cravings for the unhealthy stuff. This is what we do and I know it is not in the minds of many people and they thought of grabbing that bag of chips or chocolate bar seems so much easer but with more education I hope more family's can jump on the healthy train and teach their children a better way to live that is way more satisfying.