Wolf - Western Great Lakes
Midwest Region


Map of Region 3 Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan


Gray Wolves in the Western Great Lakes States


Four wolves. Photo by Corel Corporation, copyright


Wolves in the Western Great Lakes Removed from Threatened and Endangered Species List

News Release (Dec. 21, 2011)

Information about Wolf Delisting


About Gray Wolves


bulletHow many gray wolves are found in the United States.


bulletFact Sheet: Gray Wolf History and Biology


bulletGray Wolf Biology: Questions and Answers


bulletGray wolf recovery in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan


Book Documents Wolf Recovery in the Great Lakes Region


bulletRecovery of Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States:
An Endangered Species Success Story

Wolf Recovery Activities in Other Areas of the U.S.

bulletNorthern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery Program


bulletMexican Wolf Recovery Program


bulletRed Wolf Recovery Program



Chronology of Federal Actions Affecting Gray Wolf ESA Status in the Western Great Lakes States


bulletDec. 28, 2011: Final Rule to delist the Western Great Lakes DPS - Revising the Listing of the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) in the Western Great Lakes


bulletAug. 26, 2011: Comment Period Reopens on Proposal to delist Western Great Lakes DPS


bulletMay 5, 2011: Proposal to delist Western Great Lakes DPS, revise the gray wolf listing by removing 29 other states from gray wolf range, and announcement of a National Wolf Strategy


bulletApril 21, 2010: Fish and Wildlife Service Invites Comment on Applications for Permits for Wolf Activities in Michigan and Wisconsin
      News Release
      Background Information


bulletSeptember 16, 2009: Reinstatement of Protections for the Gray Wolf in the Western Great Lakes in Compliance with Settlement Agreement and Court Order A court order and settlement agreement restored Endangered Species Act protections for the gray wolf in the western Great Lakes on July 1, 2009; this final rule corrects the gray wolf listing status in our regulations.


bulletJuly 1, 2009: Delisting Withdrawn to Provide Opportunity for Public Comment


bulletApril 2, 2009: Final Rule to Delist Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS


bulletMarch 6, 2009: Secretary Salazar Affirms Decision to Delist Gray Wolves in Western Great Lakes, Portion of Northern Rockies

News Release


bullet January 20, 2009: Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff, issued a memorandum that directed federal agencies to withdraw all regulations that had not been published in the Federal Register so that they can be reviewed and approved by a department or agency head appointed by the President. Therefore, the final rule to delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS (which was announced on Jan. 14) was withdrawn to allow for further review.


bullet January 14, 2009 Announcement that Final Rule to Delist Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS will be published


bulletDec. 12, 2008: Department of Interior Solicitor's Opinion in response to Judge's Opinion (PDF)


bullet Dec. 11, 2008 Reinstatement of Protections for the Gray Wolf in the Western Great Lakes and Northern Rocky Mountains in Compliance With Court Orders (Dec. 11, 2008) This final rule reinstates Endangered Species Act protection to gray wolves in the upper Midwest (i.e., western Great Lakes states) and northern Rocky Mountains as ordered by the courts as a result of two lawsuits. This action is effective December 11, 2008. However, the court orders had legal effect immediately upon their filing on July 18, 2008, September 29, 2008, and October 14, 2008.


bullet September 29, 2008 - Court ruling places western Great Lakes Gray Wolf back under Endangered Species Act protections


bullet February 2008 - Post Delisting Monitoring Plan for the Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment of the Gray Wolf


bullet June 4, 2007 - Draft Post-delisting Monitoring Plan Available for Review and Comment


bullet March 12, 2007 - Final Rule to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS Becomes Effective


bullet February 8, 2007 - Final Rule to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes DPS


bullet August 9, 2006 - Judge rules against the Service in court case brought by the Humane Society of the U.S. and others that challenged permits issued to Michigan and Wisconsin for use of lethal measures to control wolf depredations.


District Court Judge's Opinion (34-page PDF)


bullet May 2006 - Permits issued to Michigan and Wisconsin for use of lethal measures to control wolf depredations


bullet March 2006 - Proposal to Delist the Gray Wolf Western Great Lakes Distinct Population Segment


bullet December 2005 - Department of Interior declines to appeal Oregon and Vermont Court decisions


bulletSeptember 2005 - Michigan and Wisconsin Departments of Natural Resources apply for permits to use lethal measures to control depredations


bullet August 2005 - Vermont court ruling overturns 2003 Final Rule and eliminates gray wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment (PDF)


bullet January 2005 - Oregon court opinion overturns 2003 final rule and nullifies the 2004 delisting proposal


bullet 2004 - Proposal to delist the gray wolf Eastern Distinct Population Segment


bullet 2003 - Final Rule to designate 3 Distinct Population Segments and change the ESA status of the gray wolf throughout most of the lower 48 States


bullet 2000 - Proposal to change the ESA status of the gray wolf throughout most of the lower 48 States


bullet 1978 - Reclassification of the Gray Wolf in the United States and Mexico, with Determination of Critical Habitat in Michigan and Minnesota (PDF)


bullet 1974 - Gray wolf listed as endangered in the lower 48 States and Mexico



Howling wolf

Last updated: June 6, 2012