FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Sid Asker--P894219


room 159
6th Street & Penn Av. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20580

I read in the Wall Street Journal that FTC was going to changed the standards of product labeling. The article stated, “For 50 years, 98 percent of the costs has been the generally accepted minimum standard for claiming U.S. origin.” I feel that these standards should not be compromised.

When “Made in USA” doesn’t mean what is says then why have any labeling whatsoever. If we are to have truth in advertising or truth in anything, then labels should mean what they say and not be misrepresenting. If anything is to be changed, then I feel that labels should read “Made in USA (98%) or Made in America (75%), etc...

If the American consumer can't believe what they read in product labeling, then why even bother having labels. I would hope that you would make no change in the current system. Thank you for your consideration.


Sid Asker

Sid Asker
2905 Madison
Boise, ID 83702