FTC: Made In The USA Comments Concerning Roger Simmermaker--P894219

How Americans Can Buy American
P.O. Box 780839
Orlando, Florida 32878-0839

Dear FTC, 6-15-97

I am vehemently opposed to your proposal to water down what it means for a product to be labeled "made in USA". Regardless of economic or global trends, definitions and standards should remain the same. There are still many companies that work to obtain that coveted "made in USA" claim, and they should be honored. It would be a dishonor to them to hand the coveted rights to this claim to those companies who lack the corporate responsibility and patriotism to employ their own people.

According to your objectives faxed to me by my congressman, you are charged in prohibiting "the use in or affecting commerce of unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices." If this proposal is not deceptive, I don’t know the meaning of the word. Or, maybe I should look up "deceptive" in the dictionary - maybe the meaning of the word has changed in the light of global economic trends (sarcasm intended).

A proposal such as this constitutes a fraud on all consumers, plain and simple. It would hinder the consumers ability to effectively patronize the products of his/her own country. Our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves upon word of this deceptive proposal.


Roger Simmermaker

Roger Simmermaker, Author
How Americans Can Buy American