Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

CW2 Verdo Jackson

See how Verdo found his calling as a Blackhawk Pilot in the Army.

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CW2 Verdo Jackson

See how Verdo found his calling as a Blackhawk Pilot in the Army.

Chief Warrant Officer 2, Verdo Jackson, I'm a 153 Delta (153D) which is a Blackhawk pilot in the U.S. Army.
You know I didn't always think I was gonna be a pilot growing up. I wasn't the best high school student. Kind of struggled a little bit and thought, you know, "College? Nah, that's not gonna work out for me right now." And that's when I decided to join the Army.
You know, once I saw the pilots and the helicopters I thought, you know, "Wow, maybe one day, I'm gonna do that."
Flight school was excellent. Some of the best instructors are there and they really prepare you for what you need to know when you get out and fly.
First thing I felt taking off in a Blackhawk was just excitement. It was just this overall, just joy.
So here I am, a high school graduate, not knowing what to do with my life. And about six years later, I'm flying a Blackhawk helicopter.
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