Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

Inside the Band

Soldier's talk about the friendships they develop.

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Inside the Band

Soldier's talk about the friendships they develop.

Allen: You really get to meet a lot of great and different people in the Army, especially in the Army Band. It’s great that we all have music in common.
Emch: You really become really close friends with the people you work with. It’s a really big family, really big community and that’s a, it’s really nice to have people that are their for you, not just at work but in your personal life too.
Jump: The friendship and camaraderie that I’ve experienced in the Army is something that I’ve never had before and in college and high school. Due to the fact that we’re serving something different than you were than high school and college there you were doing personal interest and trying to get ahead in life and now you’re more part of a team.
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