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Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS)
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Social Security Number Verification Service (SSNVS) Handbook

SSNVS Handbook (246 KB) Adobe Reader icon

Table of Contents

SSNVS Front Cover
Contact Information
What is SSNVS and BSO?
System Requirements
SSNVS/BSO Availability
Access to SSNVS
Logging into SSNVS
Submission File Format
Returned File Format
SSN Verification Results
Status and Retrieval Options
Status and Retrieval Results
What to Do If an SSN Fails to Verify
Logging Out
Getting Help
Employer Reporting Information
Maintaining Your Registration Information
Glossary of Terms
Appendix A: Additional Verification Options


To view the Status and Retrieval web page, select the View Status and Retrieval Information link on the BSO Main Menu web page. The Status and Retrieval web page enables users to view the status of electronic files submitted for overnight processing.

There are three (3) options for checking file status:

Option 1: Confirmation or Tracking Number

To view the status of an individual file:

  • Type the 16-position alphanumeric confirmation number or the eight (8)-position alphanumeric tracking number you received when your file was submitted.

  • Select the Submit button.

Option 2: Date Range

To view the status of all files you submitted within a date range:

  • Type the beginning and ending dates into the Range Start Date and Range End Date fields.

    The Date Range must:

    • Contain eight (8) digits in the MMDDYYYY format, where:

      • MM is the month; enter a value 01 through 12.

      • DD is the day; enter a value 01 through 31.

      • YYYY is the year; enter the first two (2) digits of the century followed by a value of 00 through 99.

    • Be within two (2) years of the current date.

    • Not be later than the current date.

  • Select the Submit button.

Option 3: All Submissions

To view the status of the most recent 100 submissions within the last two (2) years, select the Submit button.
If the file you are searching for is not displayed, focus your search by using Option 1 or 2.

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