Greater Everglades Partnership Initiative
Conserving the Nature of America
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"This initiative is aimed at preserving a rural working ranch landscape to protect and restore one of the great grassland and savanna landscapes of eastern North America. The partnerships being formed would protect and improve water quality north of Lake Okeechobee, restore wetlands, and connect existing conservation lands and important wildlife corridors to support the Everglades restoration effort."
- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar

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About the Partnership

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and a diverse group of public and private partners are advancing a collaborative approach to conserve wildlife and habitat across the Greater Everglades ecosystem. This partnership is the Greater Everglades Partnership Initiative.

Our initial proposal is the Everglades Headwaters National Wildlife Refuge and Conservation Area.

To join our mailing list for future notifications, please mail, e-mail or fax this form to:

  • Mail: Everglades Headwaters Proposal, PO Box 2683, Titusville, FL 32781-2683
  • Email:
  • Fax: 321-861-1276
  • For additional information, please call Cheri Ehrhardt, Natural Resource Planner, at 321-861-2368

For information on the public review process, please read the Federal Register notice

What is the proposed schedule for the project?

  • Conduct Public Scoping & Meetings: January-March 2011
  • Develop Draft Land Protection Plan & NEPA Document: April-June 2011
  • Conduct Public Review and Comment on Proposal: Summer 2011
  • Develop Final Plan: Fall 2011


Who is involved?

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service currently is working with more than a dozen partners on the Greater Everglades Partnership Initiative in a collaborative approach to land conservation in south-central Florida. We welcome the opportunity to work with other interested partners as this process move forward. The current partners are:

Federal Government

  • US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service
  • US Air Force, Avon Park Air Force Range

State Government

  • Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services
  • South Florida Water Management District
  • Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • Florida Division of State Lands

Local Government

  • Osceola County, Parks Division

Non-Governmental Organizations

  • The Nature Conservancy
  • National Wildlife Refuge Association


  • Multiple ranchers




The Partnership in the News

Study Area

Map of area
Click for full size.

Map of area
Lightsey cattle. Photo: Cheryl Mall. Click for full size.

Map of area
Hatchineha Ranch. Photo: Eric Blackmore. Click for full size.
Last updated: August 18, 2011