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Fall of Baghdad Marks New Beginning
WASHINGTON, April 8, 2005 - Two years ago April 9, the world looked on, captivated by the compelling television images of a towering statue of Saddam Hussein being ripped down in Baghdad, Iraq, and images of the Iraqi dictator being burned on the streets.  Story
Strong Coalition Requires Work, Commitment
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 23, 2005 – Keeping the coalition here strong and working together is a lot like maintaining a marriage, the chief of staff for Multinational Force Iraq told the American Forces Press Service.   Story 
2005 to be 'Pivotal' as Iraq Works on Transition
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 23, 2005 - The year 2005 will prove to be “very pivotal” in Iraq as the country transitions to a free, representative government with its own police and military forces providing security, according to the chief of staff for Multinational Force Iraq.   Story 
Family, Public Support Critical to Iraq Mission
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 23, 2005 – Support from their families and the American people is helping U.S. servicemembers here accomplish a very difficult, challenging mission, the chief of staff for Multinational Force Iraq told the American Forces Press Service.   Story 
3rd Infantry Returns With New Mission, Focus
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 22, 2005 – During the opening days of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division was racing north toward Baghdad, the tip of the spear in the coalition’s ground campaign to remove Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein from power. Exactly two years later, the Army’s storied “Rock of the Marne” division is back in Baghdad, but this time, carrying out a significantly different mission in a significantly different environment.   Story 
Infantry Soldiers Work to Win the Peace in Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 22, 2005 – Riding through the streets of Mahalla, a crowded neighborhood on Baghdad’s east side, Army Lt. Col. Jamie Gayton and his soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division’s 2nd Brigade Troops Battalion are carrying out a quiet mission - but one Gayton believes is going a long way toward winning the peace in Iraq.   Story 
Iraqi Army soldiers climb back in their truck after talking with and handing out newspapers to people near a mosque in Mosul, Iraq on January 25, 2005. IA soldiers are conducting the operation with soldiers of Charlie Company, 1st Battalion 24th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division Stryker Brigade Combat Team in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Photo by U.S. Army Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson.
Photo Essays
Photo Essay - Alpha Task Force in Hashwah
Photo Essay - Operation Checkmate
Photo Essay - Rebuilding Babil
Iraqi Special Forces Training (9)
Iskandriyah Patrol (8)
Estonian Soldiers (9)
'Hot Pits' Refueling Duties (7)
Remembering the Fallen (8)
Defense Leaders on the Ground in Iraq (8)
Alpha Task Force in Hashwah (7)
Rebuilding Babil (10)
Ar Ramadi Checkpoint (8)
Weapons Sweep (11)
First Day of School (9)
One Step at a Time (11)
More Photo Essays 
Related Links
Iraq Timeline
Iraqi Elections Special
Iraq Articles Archive
Changing Battle Space Requires Flexibility
Bush Notes Accomplishments
Wolfowitz Cites Accomplishments
Two Years in Iraq: What Do Iraqis Think?
Success in Iraq: U.S. Army Gen. Abizaid
 Rumsfeld Praises Troops' 'Hard Work' in Iraq
 2 Yrs in Iraq: Reconstruction Picks Up
 OIF Two Years Later: Progress Continues
 Coalition Remains Strong Two Years Into OIF
Success in Iraq Requires 4-Pronged Approach
A Soldier's View: From Combat to Rebuilding
Medics at Abu Ghraib Help to Win Iraqis’ Hearts
Iraqi Forces Aim for Independent Operations
Iraqis Increasingly Taking Fight to Enemy
Saddam Hussein's Capture: One Year Later
Rice: Iraq Still Has Much to Overcome
Myers Upbeat About Positive Trends in Iraq
Pentagon Channel
Airs New Documentary
WASHINGTON, March 21, 2005 – "From Dictatorship to Democracy" is a new documentary airing on the Pentagon Channel. The program looks back over the past two years of Operation Iraqi Freedom, tracing developments from the toppling of the Hussein regime to the 30 January 2005 election. The film presents a troops'-eye-view of the experience on the ground, from the lightning-swift initial attack, infrastructure, reconstruction and humanitarian efforts to the more-peaceful-than-expected election day. To see the video, go to the Pentagon Channel.
Rumsfeld, Myers Discuss
Terror War Achievements
WASHINGTON, March 20, 2005 – Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said today he believes the American people understand the value of what has been achieved in Iraq, Afghanistan and the global war on terror. He also thanked the men and women of the U.S. military for making freedom and democracy in those countries possible. Story 
Iraqi Vice President Expresses Appreciation
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 20, 2005 – Iraq’s interim vice president expressed appreciation today for the support provided to his country through Operation Iraqi Freedom. Story 
Emergency Reaction Team Helps Keep Iraq's Oil Flowing
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 20, 2005 – If there was one day during his deployment that Army Master Sgt. Ray Puckett knew that he was making a contribution here, it was when the lights shone in Baghdad on election day, Jan. 30. Story 
Determined Iraqi Guardsmen Continue Training
BAGHDAD, Iraq, March 19, 2005 – Even as Iraqi soldiers train with U.S. soldiers to secure a new future for their country, they cannot forget the dangers which lurk in the background. Story 
Photo Slideshows
Photo:  See caption below.
Year One | Year Two
Reservist Ready for
More Iraq Duty After R&R
Army Spc. James NewtonRHEIN-MAIN AIR BASE, Germany, March 15, 2005 – Following a two-week rest-and-recuperation leave spent catching up with family, his girlfriend and the latest movies and eating his fill of chicken teriyaki, Army Spc. James Newton is headed back to Iraq to continue his deployment. Story 
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