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USCIS Welcomes America's Newest Citizens at Sea

Officials Conduct Naturalization Ceremony and Immigration Training on the USS George Washington

PACIFIC OCEAN – Stacy Strong, Deputy Director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Bangkok District Office, traveled out to sea on board the Navy aircraft carrier USS George Washington to conduct immigration training and preside during an Oct. 9, 2010, naturalization ceremony for 22 sailors. 

Sailors take the Oath of Allegiance

Deputy Director Strong and USCIS Overseas Adjudication Officer Gary Remmel boarded the ship two days before the ceremony in order to interview the citizenship candidates and administer the naturalization test. While on board, the two also provided immigration training and outreach to the ship’s legal staff and crew. After learning that USCIS expedites naturalization applications for members of the military, other sailors began to work with the legal staff to start the citizenship process.

Strong said, "USCIS conducts extensive outreach to ensure the military community has accurate and up-to-date information about immigration services and benefits." She added, "Our commitment to the military extends to sailors on land, and at sea."

The 22 new citizens hailed from nine countries: China, Colombia, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, and Thailand.

USCIS is committed to bringing immigration services to members of America’s armed forces and their families stationed in the United States and abroad. During the past calendar year, officers from the USCIS Bangkok District Office have naturalized service members and their spouses in Afghanistan, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, and on board Navy vessels at sea.

Information about immigration services and benefits for members of the U.S. armed forces and their families is available online at

Last updated:10/14/2010