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USCIS Welcomes More Than 39,000 New Citizens during Constitution Week and Citizenship Day

WASHINGTON – More than 39,000 individuals will become new citizens of the United States this week during special ceremonies hosted by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to recognize Constitution Week.   Naturalization ceremonies held September 17 through September 23 commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

“This week allows us to focus on the responsibilities of citizenship and the importance of our Constitution,” said USCIS Acting Director Jonathan “Jock” Scharfen.   “USCIS will hold more than 177 naturalization ceremonies this week to welcome the many men and women who immigrated to America to become U.S. citizens.”

Citizenship Day and Constitution Week were first designated in the 1950s.  In 1952, President Harry Truman issued a proclamation designating September 17 as Citizenship Day.  In 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s proclamation called for observance of Constitution Week, September 17 through September 23.

Naturalization ceremonies are scheduled for Citizenship Day, September 17 for as few as 20 citizenship applicants in St. Albans, Vermont, to as many as 3,000 applicants at Fenway Park in Boston.   Several other naturalization ceremonies planned on Citizenship Day include:

Tucson (Arizona) Convention Center Arena

Golden Hall, San Diego, California

Campbell Heritage Theater, Campbell, Ca (Near San Jose)

Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida

Federal Hall, New York City

Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Oregon

Brownsville (Texas) Federal Court

Ft Lewis Army Base, Seattle, Washington

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Last updated:09/17/2008