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USCIS Clarifies Requirements for Agents Filing as Petitioners for O and P Visa Classifications

WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) today published a guidance memorandum entitled Requirements for Agents and Sponsors Filing as Petitioners for the O and P Visa Classifications (see link below). 

The O nonimmigrant visa classification provides for the admission of people with extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, athletics, motion picture and television production, and their essential support personnel. The P-1 nonimmigrant visa classification provides for admission into the United States of certain athletes, entertainers and artists.

The memorandum clarifies the standards for adjudicating “O” and “P” petitions filed by a U.S. agent for a beneficiary(ies) who will be working for more than one employer within the same time period.  This guidance also reaffirms the definition of a U.S. sponsoring organization for the “P” visa classification. 

USCIS reminds all “O” and “P” petitioners of their obligations of being jointly and severally liable, in certain instances, for the reasonable cost of return transportation of the alien abroad.

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Last updated:11/27/2009