Jim Marshall

President, Member Ex-Officio of the Board of Directors


Please submit all media inquiries to interviews@usip.org or call 202-429-3869.

For all other inquiries, please email Paul Hughes, phughes@usip.org, or call 202-429-3835.

Congressman Jim Marshall (2003–2011) is a former law professor, member of the U.S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame, and former mayor of Macon, Georgia. In Congress, Jim earned a reputation as a moderate Democrat with strong ties to both sides of the aisle. He now serves on the board of the National Futures Association. Jim taught at Princeton University during 2011 and, until he accepted the USIP presidency, was scheduled to teach at Georgetown University this fall.

Jim served four terms in Congress, from 2003 to 2011, where he built and maintained strong bipartisan relationships. He served on the Armed Services, Agriculture, and Financial Services Committees. He also chaired the Air Force Caucus, the Financial Markets Caucus, and the Balanced Budget Caucus, as well as West Point’s Board of Visitors. As mayor of Macon, Jim managed 17 departments, two airports, and 1,300-plus employees from 1995 to 1999. During that time, he was elected to the Advisory Board of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and co-chaired the National Conference of Democratic Mayors.

After the Tet Offensive in 1968, Jim withdrew from Princeton University to volunteer for infantry combat in Vietnam, where he served as an Airborne Ranger reconnaissance platoon sergeant. He has received numerous military awards and recognitions, including the Purple Heart and induction into the U.S. Army Ranger Hall of Fame.

After his tour in Vietnam, Jim returned to Princeton, where he was a University Scholar and graduated in 1972. He then taught high school and founded a successful logging business before attending law school at Boston University. After law school, Jim moved to Macon, where he clerked for two federal judges and then became a law professor at Mercer University. For the next 16 years, in addition to numerous civic roles, Jim taught, wrote about, and actively practiced business law, representing companies and individuals in commercial, insolvency, property, and financial matters.

Jim is a voracious reader, outdoorsman and piddler who is active in many sports. His wife, Camille Hope, is an attorney and bankruptcy trustee. His daughter, Mary, graduated from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School in 2010 and is now Teaching for America in the South Bronx. His son, Robert, is a senior at Princeton.

Publications & Tools

September 2012 | Olive Branch Post by USIP Staff

The International Day of Peace provides an opportunity for people all over the world from all walks of life to take a step to build peace. In this post, we recap a remarkable week in the history of USIP, and give suggestions on getting involved with peacebuilding. 

September 2012 | News Feature by Jim Marshall

USIP President Jim Marshall statement condemning the “Innocence of Muslims” film and the violent reactions to it.

September 2012 | News Feature by Thomas Omestad

Former U.S. Congressman Jim Marshall became the fourth president of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) on September 14, taking the oath of office and telling an audience at USIP’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., that he and the Institute’s staff are committed to the mission of “peace for the United States and for the world.”

September 2012 | Olive Branch Post by USIP Staff

The USIP Baghdad Office (BDO) earlier this month hosted a meeting between USIP President- select Jim Marshall, Senior Vice President of the Center for Conflict Management Abiodun Williams, and members from the Network of Iraqi Facilitators (NIF) and Alliance of Iraqi Minorities (AIM).

September 2012 | Olive Branch Post by USIP Staff

Jim Marshall, USIP President-select, meets with peacebuilders and USIP partners working to promote peace, tolerance, and social cohesion in Pakistan.

Countries: Pakistan
August 2012 | Olive Branch Post by USIP Staff

USIP President-select Jim Marshall meets with a group of Afghan elders to hear their views about bringing peace to their country.

Countries: Afghanistan
August 2012 | Olive Branch Post by USIP Staff

USIP President-select Jim Marshall arrived in Kabul for the first stop of a series of visits overseas to see first hand some of the work USIP does in the field.

Countries: Afghanistan


September 18, 2012

The United States Institute of Peace and the Asia Society were honored to host an engaging discussion with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the democratic transition in Burma/Myanmar, the challenges that lie ahead, and the potential of a promising future.