What's Next: Life After Your Service Year



Help and resources made for you

You’re checking out "What's Next: Life After Your Service Year." This tutorial will help you plan for transitions after your service term. You will find resources tailor-made for AmeriCorps and VISTA members on:

  • Going to school
  • Establishing a career
  • Continuing in service

Even more, this tutorial includes exercises that assist you in forming a strategy to use your education award wisely.

We designed this tutorial to be user-friendly, relevant, and helpful. You don’t have to move through it from beginning to end. Rather, focus on the sections that apply to you. For example, if you’re not considering further education right now, skip to the other options.

What’s Next builds upon and replaces Next Steps: Life After AmeriCorps. By enhancing and moving this content online, we will revise and adapt to the changing environment of service and the larger community (college, job market, etc.). The Next Steps book will no longer be available. If you have comments or suggestions to improve this tutorial, feel free to Contact Us.

Why Take This Tutorial?

This tutorial will help you to think and plan ahead so you can make decisions in a calm and reasoned way. Think of this tutorial as a tool you can use to:

  • Plan your transition
  • Reflect on the personal and professional growth you’ve experienced as a result of your AmeriCorps or VISTA service
  • Assess your skills and accomplishments
  • Weigh your choices for what comes next
  • Identify resources and strategies to help you take the next steps

Remember, whatever decisions you face:

  • Gather as much information as you can before making up your mind
  • Consider the pros and cons of each option
  • Get feedback from others whose opinions your respect

See the FAQs about the What's Next tutorial.