USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

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Books Our Botanists Use

Rocky Mountains

Publication's cover.A Rocky Mountain Lichen Primer. 1998. James N. Corbridge, William A. Weber, and Ken C. Abbott. University Press of Colorado.

Publication's cover.Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of the Northern Great Plains. 1993. Gary E. Larson. USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report RM-238.

Publication's cover.Central Rocky Mountain Wildflowers. 1999. H. Wayne Phillips. Falcon Press.

Publication's cover.Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope. 2001. William A. Weber and Ronald C. Whittmann. University of Oklahoma Press.

Publication's cover.Colorado Flora: Western Slope. 2001. William A. Weber and Ronald C. Whittmann. University of Oklahoma Press.

Publication's cover.Desert Wildflowers of North America. 1998. Taylor, Ronald and Kathleen Ort (editor). Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Publication's cover.Field Guide to Sedge Species of the Rocky Mountain Region. 2001. Johnston, B.C. Pub. R2-RR-01-03. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Denver, CO.

Publication's cover.Field Guide to Wyoming Grasses. 2010. Quentin D. Skinner. University of Wyoming Cooperative Extension Service (UW CES).

Publication's cover.Flora of the San Juans: A Field Guide to the Mountain Plants of Southwestern Colorado. 1995. Komarek, Susan. Kivak I Press.

Publication's cover.Grasses of Wyoming. 3rd Edition, 1987. Gregory P. Hallsten, Quentin D. Skinner & Alan A. Beetle. Research Journal 202, Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Wyoming.

Publication's cover.Guide to Colorado Wildflowers: Plains and Foothills. Volume 1. 2004. G.K. Guennel. Westcliffe Publishers.

Publication's cover.Guide to Colorado Wildflowers: Mountains. Volume 2. 2005. G.K. Guennel. Westcliffe Publishers.

Publication's cover.Intermountain Flora. Seven volumes. 1997 – 2005. Cronquist, Arthur, Arthur H. Holmgren, Noel H. Holmgren, and James L. Reveal, 1997 - 2005. New York Botanical Garden.

Publication's cover.Manual of the Vascular Plants of Wyoming. 3rd Edition, 2001. Dorn, R. D. Garland Publishers. Co., New York, NY.

Publication's cover.Mountain Wildflowers of the Southern Rockies. 2007. Carolyn Dodson & William W. Dunmire. University of New Mexico Press.

Publication's cover.Northern Rocky Mountain Wildflowers. 2001. H. Wayne Phillips. Falcon Press.

Publication's cover.Plants of the Rocky Mountains. 1998. Linda S. Kershaw, Jim Pojar, Paul Alaback. Lone Pine Publishing.

Publication's cover.Plants of Rocky Mountain National Park. 2000. by Linda H. Beidleman, Richard G. Beidleman and Beatrice Willard. Falcon Press.

Publication's cover.Rare Plants of Colorado. 1997. Colorado Native Plant Society. Falcon Press.

Publication's cover.River and Desert Plants of the Grand Canyon. 2006. Huisinga, Kristen. Mountain Press Publishing Company.

Publication's cover.Rocky Mountain Flora. 2006. by James Ells. Colorado Mountain Club Press.

Publication's cover.Southern Rocky Mountain Wildflowers: Including Rocky Mountain National Park. 1999. Leigh Robertson. Falcon Press.

Publication's cover.Trees and Shrubs of Colorado. 2006. Carter, Jack and Marjorie Leggitt. Jack L. Carter.

Publication's cover.Weeds of Colorado: A Comprehensive Guide to Identification. 1998. R. Zimdahl. Colorado State University.

Publication's cover.Weeds of Nebraska and the Great Plains. 2nd Edition. 1995. James L Stubbendieck. Nebraska Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry in cooperation with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Publication's cover.Weeds of the West. 2006. Whitson, Tom. Diane Pub. Co.

Publication's cover.Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountains. 2007. by George W. Scotter & Halle Flygare. Whitecap Books.

Publication's cover.Wildflowers of Montana. 2005. Donald A. Schiemann. Mountain Press Publishing.

Publication's cover.Wildflowers of Wyoming. 2004. Diantha States and Jack S. States. Mountain Press Publishing.

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Last modified: Wednesday, 13-Oct-2010 14:31:22 EDT