Help for Haiti: Education

The U.S. Department of Education is working with other federal agencies to provide coordinated assistance to those affected by the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010.

Since the devastating earthquake, the Department has received a number of inquiries from Institutions of Higher Education, NGOs, private donor organizations and individuals who want to help with the reconstruction of the education system in Haiti.

This site is designed to collect information on all U.S. education institutions, including postsecondary and vocational, that are already providing any form of assistance to Haiti and on those who are offering assistance but don't know where to start. It will provide links and contact information on issues such as student visas and how to make donations.

The Department of Education would ask these institutions to send information on their offerings: scholarships, program offerings within the institutions, known program collaboration within a larger network of institutions, transfer of credits, or slots available for Haitian students to study in the United States.

Thoughts about reconstruction of Haitian schools, universities and colleges can be posted on the blog site and shared for the purpose of engaging the U.S. education community into a dialogue for change and new opportunities in Haiti.

If you're already helping, please visit our blog and tell your story.

How can you help? What do you have to offer or contribute? Tell us by sending an email to, visiting our blog site, or by calling (202) 502-7604.

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Last Modified: 05/05/2010