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Compliance and Enforcement Annual Results 2011 Fiscal Year

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Our nations’ environmental laws are critical safeguards and the foundation upon which we build a healthy America. Because we focused our efforts on civil and criminal enforcement cases that address the most serious air, water, waste and chemical hazards, this year’s accomplishments resulted in impressive environmental outcomes which will benefit communities for years to come and serve as a powerful deterrent to those who would violate environmental laws.

In 2011, EPA enforcement achieved an estimated:

  • $19 billion invested to improve environmental performance, a record year
  • $3 billion (included in the $19 billion) to clean up hazardous waste in communities and ensure that the polluter pays, a record year
  • $168 million assessed penalties to deter pollution: (Includes $16 million in State penalties from joint Federal enforcement action)
  • $25 million in additional investments for supplemental environmental projects that benefit communities
  • 3.6 billion pounds of hazardous waste treated, minimized, or properly disposed of
  • 1.8 billion pounds of pollution reduced, treated or eliminated
  • 89.5 years of incarceration for environmental criminals
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Environmental Justice

One of EPA's top priorities is to expand the conversation on work for environmental justice. Plan EJ 2014 builds on the foundation established to achieve these goals. In 2011, EPA worked to integrate EJ into enforcement and compliance planning and program implementation, case targeting and development of remedies that benefit overburdened communities.

Learn more about Plan EJ 2014 "Advancing EJ through Compliance and Enforcement"

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