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    Genes Dev. 2003 Oct 15;17(20):2496-501. Epub 2003 Oct 1.

    Alternative trans-splicing of constant and variable exons of a Drosophila axon guidance gene, lola.


    Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan.


    longitudinals lacking (lola) is a complex Drosophila gene encoding at least 20 protein isoforms,each bearing the same N-terminal constant region linked to a different C-terminal variable region. Different isoforms specify different aspects of axon growth and guidance. We show here that lola mRNAs are generated by alternative trans-splicing of exons sequentially encoded by the same DNA strand. Chromosomal pairing facilitates interallelic trans-splicing,allowing complementation between mutations in the constant and those in the variable exons. We demonstrate that at least one variable exon is transcribed from its own promoter,and trans-spliced to the constant exons transcribed separately.

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