BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
Criminal Victimization in the United States - Statistical Tables Index
  Property crimes (See also Definition)

          Time from work

Associated data tables:

Table 87: Percent of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by type of crime
 2008:Acrobat file (79K)  |  Spreadsheet (9K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (103K)

Table 88: Percent of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by type of crime and race of victims
 2008:Acrobat file (41K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (97K)

Table 89: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by type of crime and number of days lost
 2008:Acrobat file (14K)  |  Spreadsheet (8K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (146K)

Table 90: Percent distribution of victimizations resulting in loss of time from work, by race of victims, type of crime, and number of days lost
 2008:Acrobat file (13K)  |  Spreadsheet (11K)
 1996-2007: Acrobat file (178K)

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