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Officials eliminate exception to short-tour credit

Posted 4/22/2011 Email story   Print story


by Erin Tindell
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs

4/22/2011 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFNS) -- Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz approved rescinding a temporary policy established in 2003 that allowed Airmen to receive short-tour credit for overseas TDYs of at least 181 consecutive days. The effective date of the new policy will be announced at a later date.

Although the policy change primarily affects Airmen who deploy to a hostile fire or imminent danger pay area, it also affects a small number of Airmen serving TDY in certain remote areas.

Officials announced in September a change in the air and space expeditionary force rotational baseline from 120 to 179 days for most active component Airmen in various career fields. Longer AEF tours have become the norm, and that is part of the reason for the policy change.

Former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John Jumper in June 2003 approved a temporary exception to policy that awarded short-tour credit to Airmen who deployed to hostile environments for at least 181 consecutive days after Sept. 11, 2001. A similar exception was made for Airmen deploying in support of Desert Storm in the early 1990s.

Officials decided to eliminate the temporary exception to short-tour credit policy in fairness to those deploying for longer periods of time. Additionally, transportation delays and mandatory overlap time with successors often cause Airmen deployed for 179 days to remain in the area of responsibility long enough to trigger the 181-day threshold.

"With Airmen deploying for longer periods of time, particularly for 365 days, it is no longer equitable to grant short-tour credit based on a 181-day minimum," said Col. David Slade, director of assignments at the Air Force Personnel Center. "Additionally, service in hostile environments and longer periods of family separation are inevitable since the standard deployment is now 179 days."

Under the new policy, the following guidelines apply and will be effective the date the guidance memorandum is signed at Headquarters Air Force Manpower, Personnel and Services.

- Airmen previously awarded short-tour credit under the temporary 181-day policy will keep their short-tour credit

- Airmen who arrive in the area of responsibility TDY prior to guidance implementation and serve at least 181 days consecutively in a hostile fire or imminent danger pay area will receive short-tour credit under the previous criteria

- Airmen who arrive in the AOR TDY on or after the date of guidance implementation will only receive short-tour credit based on TDY service stipulated in AFI 36-2110, Assignments:
   -- 300-plus days overseas in a consecutive 18 month period
   -- 548-plus days overseas in a consecutive 3 year period

Since the exception to policy went into effect in 2003, 16,795 Airmen have deployed more than once on 179-day taskings. More than 52,000 Airmen have deployed for 181 to 200 days since Sept. 11, 2001. The number of 179-day taskings also has grown significantly since January 2006, from about 6,500 taskings to about 16,600 taskings.

For more information, go to the Air Force personnel services website at, or call the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102 or DSN 665-5000.

5/19/2011 2:19:40 PM ET
I don't mind this change, but it fails to acknowledge or fix what drove the policy deviation in the first place. The assignment system for non-voluntary short tours is broke. I've been in 16 years, 12 on overseas long tours and numerous deployments, but all within the 180-day rule, so no short tour credit. It's perfectly fine, I'm not complaining. I'm now 1.5 years into my stateside return tour and was just picked up for a 182-day deployment. If I deploy after this rule takes effect, no short tour credit. I'm still not complaining if it's deemed as not being one. But I know as soon as I return or while I'm deployed, I'm about certain to get "non vol" short tour orders. This does drive me nuts, because I work with members who have done more time than me stateside. They have had very few or no deployments and somehow are not being selected.The short tour "non vol" selection system needs to be fixed. It should factor in the number of deployments and/or duration and the number of short tou
Not great but not bad, deploying again
4/28/2011 1:30:36 PM ET
Don't complain. You could be doing 365. Just seeing if this get's through.
Smoker, AZ
4/28/2011 7:52:03 AM ET
You're military. We deploy. The military changes. This standardizes what wasn't equal to begin with. There's still a system in place to award short tour credit as warranted as stated. Flex to meet the changes or serve honorably until it's your time to punch. If you have a suggestion on how to meet the missions' requirements with the amount of forces we have based on the budget we're alloted and works better than this, submit it.
Deployed SNCO, AOR
4/27/2011 2:33:09 PM ET
I remember when I deployed to PSAB just after Sept 11th and the AF was still standard 90 days and the Army was on 180-day rotations. I deployed in the middle of two AEF rotations and saw the confusion that rotating people every 90 days caused. In any event that isn't the point of this article. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Extension of the TDY duration to two days short of what short tour credit is warrants a change in how you recognize the tour. If 6 months is now the norm for a deployment it isn't a short tour anymore. I don't know what people are complaining about. I'm also going to echo what many others on here have said. 14 months is standard for the Army in addition to months before and after. Usually upwards of 18 months away from home at a time. The Air Force still has the lowest rotation lengths of any service.
Chris Kimball, Louisiana
4/27/2011 1:28:06 PM ET
Go Army Air Corps. I didn't think many Airman got tours over 181 but just under so they didn't have to give you a Short tour. Just make them all 365 with a mid tour in between and call it good. Stop making so many changes. Just say it 365 for ALL. Thanks Boss
Smoker, AZ
4/27/2011 2:50:07 AM ET
Seems like some are reaching too far on this one. Comparing the AF policy to our sister services in this context is really even necessary. How fair is it that someone spends half as long on a deployment and receives the exact same credit? Please define how this is screwing YOU over. The AF IS taking care of its people--by restoring a degree of equality and just recognition to those serving legitimate short tour lengths abroad.
Travis, Hawaii
4/26/2011 12:27:15 PM ET
As I read this story during a pause in work on this my sixth deployment -- half of them 179 or longer -- I just have to shake my head. I'll say this. If we're out to impress the joint community with a new 'suck it up' mentality we're succeeding. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard 'Dang dude, I remember when the Air Force was known for taking care of its people.'
Willie Nelson, On the Road Again
4/26/2011 12:19:23 PM ET
Our base has been deploying on 180-day rotations for five years now. The only thing that made it decent was getting a short tour out of it...which keeps you from getting a non-vol to a remote. Now we can't even have that. I am happy that the rest of the AF is playing the 180-day game now, but I would hate to go on a rotation just to come home and get popped for a remote.
Seriously, EAFB
4/26/2011 10:01:29 AM ET
I think its about time. Glad to see this is changing. Anyone complaining, simply put, you are out of your mind. Having the fact that I have received a long tour and short from deployments, having left U.S. soil more than 9 times since 2001 for campaigns and humanitarian reasons. I like this. Far too many people get awarded medals for doing what is required. You might not like it but you signed that contract and yes, for some of you it's almost up and you're out. I'm happy for you and hopefully the military does get short handed. Maybe I get the sign-on bonus. Just like half of the people complaining did one way or another. Most of you have never seen combat, never seen a true hard days work. Most have never seen dirt under your finger nails. So please close the door behind you and let me have one day where I don't hear about how hard you have it.
Happy, About Time
4/25/2011 7:35:12 PM ET
With the Air Force shrinking and deployments getting longer, how is this helping? All WE are gonna have is very worn out personnel in critical missions. I see retention problems with experienced personnel in the future and I see the not so well trained taking over. Vicious circle....
grumpy staff, Wherever CSAR goes im there
4/25/2011 2:28:44 PM ET
What this really means is the AF is just going to start sending people out of the AOR at 360 days to forgo having to give people short tours. And before somebody says it, yes I know 360 is smaller than 365...
Deployer, Minot
4/25/2011 2:21:54 PM ET
Stop your complaining, you joined the US military. Looks like everyone wants the government's money but want to do the least amount of effort to earn it. I think the military is the main reason America is in so much debt. We have so many wonderful benefits and when asked to deploy 181 days we complain that we don't get short tour credit. Take it from a naturalized citizen coming from a country which offered nothing, and what do I find here? Military men and women complaining about a lifestyle way above most of the rest of the world. Pathetic!
Chris, JBSA
4/25/2011 2:14:57 PM ET
I love it. Best news I heard today. 181 really does stink but 365 stinks worse so why would you lump them together like they were equal. Good stuff.
John G, Langley
4/25/2011 1:19:56 PM ET
Don't quite get what people are freaking out about here. It should have been six-month TDY's across the board from the start, not just the stressed career fields. You should only get short tour credit for 365
4/25/2011 1:17:18 PM ET
FYI... Just because something could be worse doesn't mean it's not bad. You are right, the Army has it worse than the AF. That is no debate but keep in mind that there is a reason most of us chose to wear Blue instead of Green. I hate the "Don't complain because others are getting more screwed" argument. Also only my opinion. My previous comment was more about letting people know when they will be returning home. That doesn't matter branch or length of deployment.
Paul, Boston
4/25/2011 1:12:41 PM ET
@BOHICA, reading these boards has given me a pet peeve against the phrase normalization of deviance. As in most cases you have grossly missapplied the term. Also as in most cases you use it as a fancy term to hide what you're actually doing which is whining about neccessary change. Here's some math 181 is less than 365. Get over it.
Bob, FL
4/25/2011 12:30:20 PM ET
It's not that bad. Go to the Army if you think the AF is bad. I have met many many folks who got out after 10 or 12 years in the AF only to regret it after the act. Just take a look at what you will pay for medical insurance as a non retiree. There are people paying out over 600 a month just to have insurance and on top of that their co-pays are through the roof. The grass is not always greener. Be careful what you wish for.
Retired, Florida
4/25/2011 11:53:25 AM ET
Seriously guys, I am with BG on this one... Quit whining about a short tour ribbon that really doesn't mean a whole lot. I never did understand nor did it make sense to do this back in 03 anyway. 365 is what I think a tour can be, but this "OMG the AF is screwing us again," lol, grow up
TSgt S, Lackland
4/25/2011 11:04:31 AM ET
What is with all the complaining? Spend some time with some infantry guys who are deployed 14 months every 3 years and reevaluate those thoughts. Air Force has always had the comfortable end of the stick and if the loss of a short tour credit is so punishing that people do not want to continue cereers in excess of 10 years then perhaps military service is not the right occupation anyawy.
4/25/2011 9:45:56 AM ET
Nice! That's Real Nice! 4 more years and out...
Paul, Iraq
4/24/2011 5:01:45 PM ET
365 vs 181: which number is larger?
OldShirt, KAFB
4/24/2011 2:53:10 PM ET
Just add this to the list of reasons that I will be separating after 10 years of active duty. I have loved my time in the military but these changes that keep coming down are not helping matters. Listen to your people.
Tired of the BS, Sick and Tired
4/24/2011 9:18:07 AM ET
This rule was the only thing that made the USAF hold up their promise of a six month deployment. Now when you deploy you have to make arrangements based on a hope the USAF keeps up their end of the bargain. I'm about to leave for the AOR and now my family not only has to worry about my safety but they have no return date to look forward to. All I ask is to know how long I'm going to be gone... I guess that's too much to ask.
Paul, Boston
4/24/2011 7:15:47 AM ET
Outstanding and about time. I've personally completed two 365s and am about to head out on my 3rd. I've also completed one 179-day deployment and 3 90-day deployments back in the day. This will level the playing field -- we're all still committed to do our 179-day AEF deployments when called but not at the expense of the Airmen who do a legitimate short tour. This should actually improve the volunteer rate for the 365s and it will slow down the train as well, because people won't be constantly slipping to the end of the line by getting full credit for 49 percent effort.
Jim, USA
4/24/2011 7:10:13 AM ET
Really. The reason for changing the policy was due to the normalization of deployments. Yet according to the stats in the article only 17 percent of our Airmen have deployed for 181-plus days. And only 5 percent have deployed more than once on 179-day taskings. How are these numbers normal?
Sgt Confused, Deployed yet again
4/23/2011 7:34:53 AM ET
Yet another example of our AF leadership taking care of our people. We're gonna give you this bad deal but don't worry we'll make it worse. I believe it's called normalization of deviance. If more and more people are tagged to be away from family for longer times, then it's really not so bad is it? It's just normal.
BOHICA, The Position
4/22/2011 10:29:26 PM ET
Here we go again. Uncle Sam finding another way to screw us over. I love these long deployments.
pissed off vet, some random base
4/22/2011 9:25:21 PM ET
The hits keep coming.
Joe Maj, anywhere but on TDY
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