

Latest from USIP on Serbia

  • July 27, 2012   |   Publication

    Although each revolution is different, each successful case of democratic breakthrough shares common domestic and international influences. This report examines 11 cases of past successes at removing autocratic regimes and establishing elections. It then applies its findings to the emerging revolutions of the Arab Spring.

  • November 10, 2011   |   In the Field

    Participants in the USIP training will play active roles in strengthening the government’s ability to manage conflicts before they escalate.

  • October 25, 2011   |   Event

    USIP, in collaboration with the Institute for Inclusive Security, USAID, and Vital Voices, hosted a discussion with Ambassador Swanee Hunt and USAID’s Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg on lessons emerging from the Bosnia conflict with a particular focus on the best ways to ensure a direct role for women in peacebuilding efforts worldwide. In addition, film producer Abigail Disney and film director Pamela Hogan presented their PBS documentary, “I Came to Testify,” that describes how a group of 16 women from Bosnia, victims of the war’s systematic rapes, broke through political and societal silence by stepping onto the witness stand at an international tribunal.

  • April 6, 2011   |   Event

    Father Ivo Markovic, a Bosnian Friar and founder of Pontamina Choir, talked about the status of interreligious cooperation and reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.