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Race to the Top Fund

Current Section  Eligibility
 Office of the Deputy Secretary Home

Who May Apply: (by category) Governors

Who May Apply: (specifically) Awards are made to States.

States are the eligible applicants under section 14006(a)(2) of the ARRA. As defined by section 14013 of the ARRA, the term "State" means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Section 14006(c) of the ARRA requires at least 50 percent of Race to the Top funding to States to be sub-granted to participating LEAs according to their relative shares of funding under the ESEA Title I, Part A program for the most recent year.

States have considerable flexibility in awarding or allocating the remaining 50 percent of their Race to the Top awards, which are available for State-level activities, disbursements to LEAs, and other purposes as the State may propose in its plan.

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Last Modified: 11/24/2009